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Next Generation Sequencing Quality metric analysis

The genetics department of the UMCG deals with all aspects of heredity, both in the field of patient care and scientific research. Approximately 15,000 genetic tests are run per year. For these analysis the UMCG makes use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) for diagnostics or research purposes. To ensure the quality of the tests, very few metrics like the coverage, are used to validate the quality for a specific sample. We want to create a greater pool of metrics that we can use to asses the quality which we think will imporove the validity of a diagnostic result.

The many steps in the NGS process provide us with lots of data, stored in different formats and locations, some are filled by laboratory technicians, others are produced by software tools and machines, and produced at different intervals in the process.

NGS sequencing process

By indexing the metrics produced in the proccess and assesing their correlations to eachother we hope to see multiple metrics that can inform for sample quality or reliability, possibly at a early stage in the proccess.


The goal of the project is to assess the different metrics produced at the intervals in the NGS process and identify metrics that can improve or supplement quality assesment at the different intervals

  • Find predictive values by correlating metrics
  • Develop a model to identify possible important metrics
  • construct a list of metrics to asses using the model and correlating metrics
  • Test the effects of hte metrics in the list, to accept or dismiss their importantce.

Repo structure

Folder Contains
src/scripts Data aqusition scripts
src/scripts/bash bash scripts to start data aqusition
src/scripts/python Python scripts to parse metric files
src/scripts/python/QualityParser QualityParser module written for project, contains parsers for metric files
src/scripts/python/ExecutableScripts Executable python scripts that use the QualityParser module
src/scripts/SQL SQLite scheme used for data storage
docs R markdown logbooks, contains analysis procedures
img Images

Data Parsers

For the study a python module called QualityParser was developed. The module was used in pair with SQLite, and bash to store most avaialable metrics.

Using QualityParser

python2 install 
import QualityParser as QP


other parsers:

  • parseAlignmentSummaryMetirics
  • parseFlagstatFile
  • parseGcBiasFile
  • parseHsMetricsFile
  • parseInserSizeMetricsFile
  • QBCparser
  • parseQDM

Each parser parses the files to its respective Datatype in QualityParser/DataTypes and can be stored to a SQLite database file using:

db = QP.sqlite3Database('path/to/database.sqlite')


other possible store functions:

  • addSequencingRun
  • addSample
  • addProject
  • addSequencer
  • addCapturingKit
  • addAlignmentSummaryEntry
  • addFlagstatEntry
  • addGCbiasEntry
  • addHsMetric
  • addInsertSizeEntry
  • addQualityDistribution
  • addQualityByCycle
  • addRunSummary

Analisis Procedures

The analysis of the data gathered with the scripts can be found in the docsfolder

  • DataAnalysis.Rmd: Exploratory phase of data analysis
  • Correlations.Rmd: Quick correlation analysis of the many metrics
  • gradientBoosting.Rmd: gradient boositng models to determine a list of metrics
  • AnalysisLog.Rmd: Grouping of the different Rmd files as one easy package


GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE for more information.


Jouke Profijt - [email protected]

Project - link


Prediction of quality metrics to annotate low quality results







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