Releases: moka-guys/moka-fe
Releases · moka-guys/moka-fe
Add changes to forms 25010 and 25011
Remove 100k functionality on 0901 exome ngs results form
4752 DeletePatientRecords change VBA to allow user level 5 to use Danger Danger button
Remove email msgbox from 02510 DaybookPCRs
update firefox module
support multiple Google chrome location
Update Form 1110_Check_SQL
change join between ArrayTest and Result to Code from INNER JOIN to LEFT JOIN.
This will allow cases to appear when the result code field is left blank
v3.143 - update to Moka master 1110 Check, and and config
- Moka master: Update the SQL in 1110 Check to display the Array Status 'Desktop Review'
- Changes made to F:\Moka\Files\Software\AutoBookingInArrays\ and config
v3.142 Update ImportTxtToDBConfig
Update referral ID in ImportTxtToDBConfig to 1199901239
v3.141 Create new referral ID
Update referral ID in s0202_AutoBookingInArrays_SQL
Changes to array functions
Extra authorisers added to form 989
Priority field displayed (and sorted on) in array auto booking in (0202 and subform)
v3.139 August 2021 MOKA Release
- Update the statusID for 'Array to book in' due to change in Status table in python config script
- Update SQL forms to look for referralID linked to 'Array to book in'
- Add refresh button to auto array booking in form
v3.138 July 2021 MOKA Release
- The FraX worksheet in the admin Moka is now ordered alphabetically by patient name
- Conditional formatting changed for concentration on DNA Aliquots tab on Patient Details page. Now will flag red is the value is <30 or >300
- PGD Report logos (FamilyResults_Auto_PGD_Report) have been updated with new GLH & UKAS logos. Clinician name also updated
- New view added (dbo_v_WES_Dashboard) to populate patients and be used for filtering on the WES Dashboard to improve speed
- WES Dashboard: When changing the status of a patient's test in a trio/duo on the WES Dashboard, users can choose to update the test status of all the others in the trio/duo at the same time.
- Python script and accompanying forms in Moka created to enable users to automatically book array patients and array tests into moka, using txt files which will be exported from GW. KB article created.