Fast Gitlab Issues, aka Fgi, is a command line issue creation tool for Gitlab v8.8+.
To install, add the following to your project's Gemfile:
gem 'fgi', git: ''
And run bundle install
After it finishes, run $ fgi --config
if the gem is new to the project, or run $ fgi --token <token>
if you are new to the project and fgi was previously installed.
You can create your token from Gitlab -> Settings -> Access Tokens From then on, create your issues from the console:
$ fgi My awesome title goes here
This will open our default text editor (currently hardcoded to Vim) so you can provide a description, and when you close, it will create an issue on Gitlab. A link to the new issue will be provided if you want to check it out.
The following commands are currently supported:
$ fgi <title> # initiates the process to create a gitlab issue
$ fgi --help # opens this help menu
$ fgi --config # starts the configuration wizard
$ fgi --token <token> # saves the private gitlab token to a file and adds it to .gitignore
The config will ask you for your gitlab access token (you can get it from AF2) and the project URL from gitlab.
Any bugs/requests please open an issue, feel free to use fgi to do so!
Currently fgi doesn't count time, i'd add this functionality
- start, pause, resume, finish, or something like that.
- i'd add shortcuts "fgi new" > "fgi n"
- it doesn't operate with labels
- i couldn't find list command to enlist existing issues. something like "fgi list todo"
Lev's best workflow is:
- find an issue from todo or milestone with list command
- get its description
- start working:
- start timer
- change its label todo > doing (wip)
- set up a branch
- start timer
- optionally pause / resume timer, execute /spent
- optionally leave a comment
- finish working:
- push
- deploy
- label doing > dome
- execute /spent
- since you require "push as often as possible", i'd recommend to attach this autopush to pause action as well
- Default push comment will be '#123 autocommit'
- but editable with
- fgi pause -m 'done for today'
- which produces '#123 done for today'
- after that fgm automatically switch to default branch, so, to continue working, you will not forget to type fgm start
- it should remember last active issue and treat it as default
- this way i can painlessly switch between issues by fgm start 111
- if there's already active issue in progress and i type fgm start 111 it checks if current issue is 111; if it's not, then it should ask me do i want to pause, finish, or cancel [P/f/c]. so i can just hit enter to pause previous issue
- some companies required to squash commits into one before merge request, so code review will process faster - can also be done automatically on finish