Mobile-Age plarform-core is developed using the following tools:
As a CSS framework is using Bootstrap and as a template language Jade.
- Install nvm so that playing with node versions is easier
- Install node 5.8.0 through nvm
nvm install 5.8.0
- Do
npm install
in order to install node packages. - Do
bower install
in order to install client dependencies. - Run the application with
. - Make sure that you have a running MySQL server.
To install MySQL, run the command
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
in your terminal prompt.
- bin: binaries
- config: configuration files.
- public: public directory.
- routes: contains API routes and routes for rendering the jade templates.
- models: contains a series of functions used by routes.
- views: jade template files.
Under /config directory the following files have to be placed.
- `general_config.js` - This file has to export the following variables:
appsVM: The url from which the applications module is reachable (e.g. exports.appsVM = `http://localhost:1111`)
repoVM: The url from which the applications-repository module is reachable (e.g. `exports.repoVM = http://localhost:1112`)
ports_lower_limit: The lower limit of port numbers to be exposed by the applications module. (e.g. `exports.ports_lower_limit = 6900`)
ports_upper_limit: The upper limit of port numbers to be exposed by the applications module. (e.g. `exports.ports_upper_limit = 7000`)
- `db-credentials.js` - This file has to export the following variables:
host: The IP Address of the MySQL database (e.g. ` =`)
user: The username used to establish connection into the MySQL database (e.g. `exports.user = root`)
password: The password of the user used to establish connection into the MySQL database (e.g. `exports.password = my-secret-password`)
db: The database to be used. If you use the schema provided, please set `exports.db = oscpsep_functional_db`.