These programs were developed in python on Raspberry Pis to study the latency and power consumption of various algorithms over a bluetooth connection.
The devices are connected via bluetooth using the pybluez
8 encryption algorithms were implemented using the pyca/cryptography
Power consumption was measured using UPS HAT by Waveshare
The client_side and server_side folders contain code designed to run on their respective raspberry pis.
The programs can be run using the
file in client_side and
in server_side.
The client_side reads data from the provided data.xlsx file, encrypts it row by row, and sends it to the server. The server receives the encrypted message, decrypts it, and sends back the decrypted message.
The server_side has no way of calculating which decryption algorithm to use and only knows to decrypt based off of which encryption algorithm the client_side tells it to use.