Search unicode character and character sequences:
- by character name
- by character code
- by unicode block
This tool depends on unicode 15.0 definition files.
searches characters by name in local unicode database created by uccreatedatabase
(see ), and prints character, code point or code point sequence, and name or description.
with --detail
option searches characters by detail and prints result. Detail is stored from kDefinition
tag of CJK characters.
with --code
option searches characters by code range and prints result.
with --char
option searches characters by character and prints result.
with --block
option search characters by block name and prints result.
In the case described above, you may see two letters instead of the national flag of Norway in your terminal.
Even if so, when you copy first two letters (\u1f1f3\u1f1f4) and paste them in browser, twitter's tweet textbox for example, you can see the national flag of Norway.
The same applies to zwf sequences.
In terminal without any fonts:
In twitter's tweet textbox:
Searches characters completely matched (but case insensitive).
Prints result in various format.
- 'utf8': Prints utf-8 instead of utf-32.
- 'simple': Prints characters only. This option may be used in pipe.
Prints the first result only. This option may be used in pipe.
Prints result with the specified delimiter instead of space (0x20).
Install by pip3
$ pip3 install git+
command initializes unicode database.
$ uccreatedatabase
This command creates a file ~/.local/share/applications/unicode.db
, which is an sqlite3 file consuming about 13MB for unicode 15.0.
removes unicode database.
$ ucdeletedatabase
This command removes ~/.local/share/applications/unicode.db
prints database information.
$ ucdatabaseinfo