WIP of a script that tries to identify symbol ciphers (for now) available on based on input.
A compiled list of all of the image symbols can be found in CIPHERS.md.
git clone https://github.com/corax/cipher_identifier.git`
cd ./cipher_identifier
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/base.txt
CC="cc -mavx2" pip install -U --force-reinstall pillow-simd
- python3
- opencv-python
- requests
$ find_cipher.py ./tests/betamaze.png
Checking: ancients-stargate-alphabet = 0
Checking: arthur-invisibles-cipher = 0.151
Checking: atlantean-language = 0.351
Checking: aurebesh-alphabet = 0
Checking: babylonian-numbers = 0
--- snip ---
Top ciphers:
1 0.821 pokemon-unown-alphabet
2 0.516 betamaze-cipher
3 0.41 maritime-signals-code
4 0.366 hylian-language-skyward-sword
5 0.351 atlantean-language
6 0.267 mary-stuart-code
7 0.255 hylian-language-twilight-princess
8 0.2 semaphore-trousers-cipher
9 0.187 ogham-alphabet
10 0.183 webdings-font
11 0.151 arthur-invisibles-cipher
12 0.142 templars-cipher
13 0.132 chinese-code
14 0.114 symbol-font
15 0.094 music-sheet-cipher
16 0.091 pigpen-cipher
17 0.089 wingdings-font
18 0.074 french-sign-language
19 0.073 draconic-dragon-language
20 0.064 lingua-ignota-code
Compares the symbols of each cipher to the input image <image>
and lists the the match probability.
Uses OpenCV to look for matching symbols.
Downloads symbol pictures of each cipher and saves them to ./ciphers
, which also hosted in this repo.
Script that generates the combined images of each cipher found in CIPHERS.md ./ciphers`.
Script that generates the CIPHERS.md file based on ciphers found in ./ciphers
Script that generates train data per cipher, for training model classifiers. Training data is placed in ./ciphers/<cipher>/train_data