die regionale gartenkooperative
We implement a "specific" web solution to organize all the work on a farm as a group of about ~400 persons.
Following instructions work for MacOS.
This should do it for your local setup:
export ORTOLOCO_DATABASE_ENGINE=django.db.backends.sqlite3
export ORTOLOCO_EMAIL_HOST=smtp.gmail.com
export [email protected]
cd ortoloco
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv --distribute venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
NOTE: All requirements are not easily installable on Mac OS X. If you encounter some issues (i.e. EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found
or pg_config executable not found
) you might run instead:
pip install --upgrade -r requirements-mac.txt
wich removes following packages from the requirements:
NOTE: You might be able to install "brew install mysql" and "brew install postgresql" and "brew install pg" instead (before)
In ortoloco/settings.py, comment out all non-django apps (loco_app ,my_ortoloco,static_ortoloco, south, photologue). Then run following command:
./manage.py syncdb
Reactivate the outcommented apps above and run following commands:
./manage.py syncdb
./manage.py migrate
You might be guided through these steps with make createdb
With make savedb
you can easily make a snapshot of the current local
database file (if using SQLite
), and restore it (i.e. the last db
snapshot file) with make restoredb
You might want to look at the Makefile
for more details.
When the database structure changes, you must perform a new migration:
./manage.py schemamigration loco_app --auto
./manage.py migrate loco_app
You might be guided through these steps with make migratedb
Run following command to launch a server on http://localhost:8000:
./manage.py runserver
You might run this with make
, which will additionally open the URL
on your browser.
Use following command to create a super user, if not yet available:
manage.py createsuperuser
The first time you try to login with the initial admin user you will
encouter an error like User has no Loco
. To create a Loco
for this
user, you have to activate a secret 😄 URL in url.py
and call it from the browser:
Afterwards, you might have to logout with following URL:
./manage.py changepassword admin
First read this: https://github.com/lanyrd/mysql-postgresql-converter
Then import the data into the heroku-db (find the values here: https://postgres.heroku.com/databases/ortoloco-database) psql -U -d -h -f path/to/postgres.sql
heroku pg:backups restore $(heroku pg:backups public-url --app $SOURCE_APP) DATABASE_URL --app $TARGET_APP
See: Importing and Exporting Heroku Postgres Databases with PG Backups