Pistachio aims to simplify reoccurring tasks when working with the file system.
To install pistachio, along with the tools you need to develop and run tests, run the following in your virtualenv:
$ python -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install flit
$ flit install
You can install pistachio by running the following command.
$ pip install pistachio
To use pistachio you can inport the module by running the following commands.
>>> import pistachio
Method to return a description for the resource.
>>> pistachio.describe("README.md")
Pistachio(path='README.md', exists=True, is_directory=False, is_file=True, is_symlink=False, name='README.md', stem='README', suffix='md')
You can confirm if a directory, file or symbolic link exists using the following method.
>>> pistachio.exists("README.md")
This method will return the MD5 hash string for a specific file.
>>> pistachio.get_md5_hash("README.md")
Is the resource a directory? True or False.
>>> pistachio.is_directory("README.md")
Is the resource a file? True or False.
>>> pistachio.is_file("README.md")
Is the resource a symbolic link? True or False.
>>> pistachio.is_symlink("README.md")
Make a new symbolic link.
>>> pistachio.ln("README.txt", "README.md")
Make a new directory or directory tree.
>>> pistachio.mkdir("src")
>>> pistachio.exists("src")
This method will create an empty file with a given filename and directory path.
>>> pistachio.touch("foo.bar")
This method will return a list of directories, files and symlinks below a specific directory.
>>> pistachio.tree("src")
Tree(path='pistachio', results=[Pistachio(path='./__init__.py', exists=True, is_directory=False, is_file=True, is_symlink=False, name='__init__.py', stem='__init__', suffix='py')])