Building Katzenpost has the following prerequisites:
# Fetch the Katzenpost components.
# Notes:
# * As of right now, due to the pace of development, the Katzenpost
# components are deliberately not vendored.
# * This step SHOULD be omitted when doing development on Katzenpost,
# in favor of checking out all of the components into your GOPATH.
# * The `daemons/vendor` directory contains all external dependencies
# that are required to build any part of Katzenpost, and can be
# reused if building things as libraries (Eg: symlinking
# `minclient/vendor` to `daemons/vendor` ).
dep ensure
# Build the binaries.
(cd authority/nonvoting; go build)
(cd server; go build)
(cd mailproxy; go build)
AGPL: see the LICENSE file for details. The external dependencies have their own licenses.