Main page hosted at
- 2024-06-09: Bergführer Ausbildung Südtirol 2024: Schnee im Klimawandel (Folien)
- 2024-01-12: Gipfelgespräche 2024, Berg und Klima, organisiert von Globoalpin: Schnee im Klimawandel (Folien)
- 2022-11-17: Environmental Meteorology Seminar series, Univerity of Trento, part of the programme of the MSc in Environmental Meteorology: Snow in the European Alps (slides)
- 2022-10-19: INARCH 2022 Workshop: Downscaling approaches for climate model projections in complex terrain (slides)
- 2022-05-26: EGU22: How to manage code and data for open science (and yourself) (slides)
- 2021-05-12: Eurac internal course on "Advanced plotting in R": Introduction to ggplot2 and publication-ready plots with ggplot2 (slides part one, two, three, four); material from all presenters here
- 2020-11-07: Correlcon 2020: Introduction to Geodata in R (slides); other content from the conference here
- 0000-00-00: Test Github Pages and xaringan slides
Slides created with RStudio, xaringan, the infinite moon reader addin, and xaringanExtra. Hosting on Github Pages inspired by tcgriffith's intro.
As of 2024, also implemented slides with revealjs in quarto. yay!
Own creations are CC BY 4.0, included works as specified by respective authors.