Online Stock Trader lets you trade, invest, track and review stocks using a single account. Live streaming quotes of stocks and currencies allow you to keep up to date with the fast pace of trading world. It lets you trade across exchanges. Get personalized recommendation based on your spending habits and portfolio. Track stocks using customized watch-list
- Spring Core – Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control
- Web MVC architectural pattern
- AJAX – service side scripting
- Validation – Validator
- Interceptor – Disabling caching using Http Headers and Logging
- Password Hashing using j-BCrypt
- JSON Binding
- Rest Template
- Apache Common Email
- Pdf Generator
- Java 8 Stream API
- jUnit testing
- Server – Embedded Tomcat Server
- Maven Plugin and dependencies
- Logging – slf4j
- Session Management using Session Object
- File Reader and Writer
- Entity Manager
- Relationship Mapping
- Hibernate Validator
- Criteria Query
- JQuery
- JavaScript
- Boot-Strap
- CSS3
- Bar-chart on Demand API:
- World Trading Data:
- Investors Exchange (IEX):
Go to stocktrader root folder
Run the following command: 'mvn spring-boot:run'