Twili 1.4.0 (preview 2)
Stealth release! Very busy these past few months. Very few changes. CI is not happy with me and I don't have time to sort that out so some twib artifacts will be missing and the Twili build here is hand-compiled on my machine rather than generated by CI as usual. 11.x.x USB support is the main attraction here, and for those of you building from source, you'll need the libtransistor changes.
- Added a watchdog to hopefully get some better insight into sysmodule deadlocks.
- Added error code lookup to twib (
twib err
- Core dumps do not include IO mappings anymore.
- AppletTracker now defers reading hbmenu until it is needed, so you can run Twili without hbmenu and it won't crash.
- Updated libtransistor.
- Fixed USBBridge on 11.0.0+.