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comma is a generic library for fixed-width (comma-separated or binary) and structured (e.g. json) data processing primarily on Linux. MacOS is supported, but less tested.


comma consists of a collection of command line utilities, as well as underlying C++ and python libraries.

comma design considerations:

  • high throughput for offline data processing
  • working with latency-sensitive realtime data streams
  • high modularity and separation of concerns
  • ease of rapid prototyping and functionality change
  • ease of mixing with other applications

You can limit yourself to using the comma command line utilities. Further, comma provides libraries for serialization, binary protocol packet layouts, etc.

This documentation will have not more than a brief description of each command line utility. For details, each utility has elaborate help with examples, e.g. run: csv-eval --help.

Instead, this documentation is intended to provide more and more step-by-step tutorials and recipes for comma command line applications.

The library code is self-documented. You can generate it with doxygen. Use git grep or explore code of respective applications for usage examples.


latest release

sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:orthographic/comma
sudo add-apt-repository --yes multiverse
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install comma
pip3 install comma-py==1.0.0

building from source

Building from source gives you the latest features and thus may be a good choice. The code is continuously tested and backward compatible.

building with ansible

> sudo apt-get install ansible
> mkdir src
> cd src
> git clone
> ansible-playbook comma/system/ansible/install.yml --ask-become-pass

building it manually

install dependencies (ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install git python3-pip build-essential cmake cmake-curses-gui perl python3-dev libboost-all-dev socat libzmq3-dev libgtest-dev libprocps-dev recode expat gawk
sudo pip3 install numpy


If you build from source, you will get latest features.

Albeit more tedious, it is safe since comma master branch is thoroughly tested and new features are backward-compatible.

> mkdir -p src build/comma
> cd src
> git clone
> cd ../build/comma
> cmake ../../src/comma && make && sudo make install

Read install.yml, if interested in tweaking build configuration.
