lm-sensors alternative for w1-therm and usage on telegraf
Get sensor data from ds18b20 connected to the Raspberry (GPIO w1 pin).
On the Raspberry Pi, you will need to add dtoverlay=w1-gpio"
(for regular connection) or dtoverlay=w1-gpio,pullup="y"
(for parasitic connection) to your /boot/config.txt. The default data pin is GPIO4 (RaspPi connector pin 7), but that can be changed from 4 to x
with dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=x
Here's what I did:
sudo echo dtoverlay=w1-gpio-pullup,gpiopin=4 >> /boot/config.txt
sudo modprobe w1_gpio && sudo modprobe w1_therm
1-Wire drivers need to be loaded in order to create the connection between the physical sensor and the rPI. You can load them from the terminal (or from the bin/modules.sh script).
sudo modprobe wire
sudo modprobe w1-gpio
sudo modprobe w1-therm
go install github.com/mishop/sensors
temp0_output: 0.50
temp1_output: 11.00
temp2_output: -0.81
temp3_output: 13.06
## If true, a field name like 'temp1_input' will be changed to 'temp_input'.
#remove_numbers = true