See file for more details
Clone project, add to your solution. This setup is for server side Blazor, but for WASM blazor (client side) would be good as well.
Add line to your Blazor project _Host.cshtml
Add lines to your Blazor project appsettings.json
"PiNetwork": {
"ApiKey": "YourApiKey",
"BaseUrl": ""
Add reference to your Blazor project to this PiNetwork.Blazor.Sdk
Modify your Blazor project Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
//...your rest code
services.AddScoped<IPiNetworkClientBlazor, ServicesPiNetworkFacade>();
services.AddScoped<IPiNetworkServerBlazor, PiNetworkServerBlazor>();
//...your rest code
services.AddPiNetwork(options =>
options.ApyKey = this.Configuration["PiNetwork:ApiKey"];
options.BaseUrl = this.Configuration["PiNetwork:BaseUrl"];
//Add this two lines PiNetwork.Blazor.Sdk uses SessionStorage and MemoryCache
//...your rest code
// for Pi network browser to work fine, these lines should be added
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
//... your rest code
new CookiePolicyOptions
MinimumSameSitePolicy = SameSiteMode.None,
HttpOnly = HttpOnlyPolicy.Always,
Secure = CookieSecurePolicy.Always
//... your rest code
Now you will need to create class to deal with PiNetwPiNetwork.Blazor.Sdk callbacks. This class must be extended from abstract class PiNetworkClientBlazor. You will need to override some methods to your needs. In example bellow your bussiness logic handler is IOrderServices.
Put this new class to you Blazor project. Lets call this new class ServicesPiNetworkFacade
public class ServicesPiNetworkFacade : PiNetworkClientBlazor
private readonly ILogger logger;
private readonly IPiNetworkServerBlazor server;
private readonly IOrderServices orderServices;
//If you don't need logging use constructor without ILoggerFactory
public ServicesPiNetworkFacade(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
NavigationManager navigationManager,
IJSRuntime jsRuntime,
ISessionStorageService sessionStorage,
IPiNetworkServerBlazor server,
IOrderServices orderServices)
: base(navigationManager, jsRuntime, sessionStorage, loggerFactory)
this.logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(this.GetType().Name);
this.server = server;
this.orderServices = orderServices; //your bussiness logic is here.
public override async Task CreatePaymentOnReadyForServerApprovalCallBack(string paymentId)
// code
var result = await this.server.PaymentApprove(paymentId); //don't change this row.
// bussiness logic
await this.orderServices.SavePaymentStatusPiNetwork(result.Metadata.OrderId, Enums.PaymentStatus.Waiting, null);
public override async Task CreatePaymentOnReadyForServerCompletionCallBack(string paymentId, string txid)
// code
var result = await this.server.PaymentComplete(paymentId, txid); //don't change this row
// bussiness logic
await this.orderServices.SavePaymentStatusPiNetwork(result.Metadata.OrderId, Enums.PaymentStatus.AdditionalSuccess, txid);
this.navigationManager.NavigateTo($"myorders/{result.Metadata.OrderId}", forceLoad: true);
public override Task AuthenticateOnErrorCallBack(object error)
public override Task CreatePaymentOnCancelCallBack(string paymentId)
public override Task CreatePaymentOnErrorCallBack(object error, PaymentDto payment)
public override Task OpenShareDialog(string title, string message)
By default if something fails PiNetworkClientBlazor will try to retry (if it is reasonable to do so and could solve problem) up to 10 times with 1000 milliseconds intervals. You can override these values in ServicesPiNetworkFacade:
public virtual int Retries { get; set; } = 10;
public virtual int RetryDelay { get; set; } = 1000;
See PiNetwork.Blazor.Sdk.ConstantsEnums for messages to pass to front side. Messages stored in SessionStorage.
AuthenticationError = 0,
PaymentError = 1,
AuthenticationSuccess = 2,
PaymentSuccess = 3
public const string PiNetworkSdkCallBackError = "PiNetworkSdkCallBackError";
public const string PiNetworkDoNotRedirect = "PiNetworkDoNotRedirect";
public const string IsPiNetworkBrowser = "IsPiNetworkBrowser";
If you don't need to redirect use constant "PiNetworkDoNotRedirect" this is used in AuthenticateOnSuccessCallBack(AuthResultDto auth, string redirectUri). See
Inject in your *.razor file '@inject IPiNetworkClientBlazor piClient'
//OpenShareDialog(string title, string message)
await this.piClient.OpenShareDialog("Share", ""))
PiNetworkClientBlazor.IsPiNetworkBrowser() this method is not from PI SDK, but still very practical.
Inject in your *.razor file '@inject IPiNetworkClientBlazor piClient'
await this.piClient.Authenticate(redirectUri, 0); // 0 - first attempt
If you don't need to redirect use ConstantsEnums.PiNetworkDoNotRedirect (if you provide just empty string it will redirect to "/").
Inject in your *.razor file '@inject IPiNetworkClientBlazor piClient'
First authenticate with ConstantsEnums.PiNetworkDoNotRedirect option. Authenticate every time before making payment.
await this.piClient.Authenticate(ConstantsEnums.PiNetworkDoNotRedirect, 0); // 0 - first attempt
Now make payment
//memo - order discription. Don't exceed 25 characters.
//public virtual async Task CreatePayment(decimal amount, string memo, int orderId, int retries = 0)
await this.piClient.CreatePayment(total, memo, OrderId);