- electric vehicle license plate
- 8 digit license plate
Generate Synthetic Korea License Plate.
You can use this generator when there is insufficient data on the license plate.
This image generator may be used in a character recognition model like 'CRNN'
I recommend pre-training with synthetic images and fine-tune with real data.
- You can create synthetic license plate pictures by selecting the plate of the desired type.
The name of the photo shows the letters and numbers on the license plate.
Hangul in the plate was translated into English with the following rules.
Region : 서울 -> A, 인천 -> B ...
Hangul : 나 -> sk, 너 -> sj, 다 -> ek, 도 -> eh ...
def random_bright(img):
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
img = np.array(img, dtype=np.float64)
random_bright = .5 + np.random.uniform()
img[:, :, 2] = img[:, :, 2] * random_bright
img[:, :, 2][img[:, :, 2] > 255] = 255
img = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB)
return img
Type 1 : Z13wn0965
Type 2 : Z22aj0246
Type 3 : B16an7086
Type 4 : A48sk2287
Type 5 : Z19tn7921
Type 6 : 112ah0833
Type 7 : X50fk9747
- os : Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS or Windows 10
- Python : 3.5.2
File | Description |
Generator_original.py | generate images without any image distortion/augmentation. |
Generator_augmentation.py | generate images with image augmentations such as random brightness. |
Generator_perspective.py | generate images with perspective transform. |