You'll need to install:
*If you're already using nvm or fnm, run:
nvm install --latest-npm
at the project root to install the correct Node version automatically.
**To simplify switching between Java versions it is advisable to use sdkman
Install NPM package dependencies (from the root of the project):
First - Create a .env file in the root of the project (only on first run copy the example env file by running the following command)
cp .env.example .env
Then, to run the service locally with dependencies in WireMock:
npm run start:dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
To start the service with a locally running instance of hmpps-breach-notice-api on port 8080,
add the following to your .env
Alternatively, you can integrate your local UI with the dev/test services deployed on MOJ Cloud Platform. This removes the need for using Docker.
Create a .env
file at the root of the project:
Run the following to grab client credentials from the dev namespace:
kubectl -n hmpps-breach-notice-dev get secret hmpps-breach-notice-ui -o json \
| jq -r '.data | map_values(@base64d) | to_entries[] | "\(.key)=\(.value)"' \
| grep CLIENT >> .env
Then, start the UI service:
npm run start:dev
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix
For formatting nunjucks files it is recommended to install the Twig Plugin for IntelliJ and configure a filetype association for *.njk files
To automatically format TypeScript files go to settings, enable the ESLint "fix on save" setting in IntelliJ. See Fix problems automatically on save
npm run test
To run the Cypress integration tests locally:
# Start the UI in test mode
npm run start-feature:dev
# Run the tests in headless mode:
npm run int-test
# Or, run the tests with the Cypress UI:
npm run int-test-ui
The template project has implemented some scheduled checks to ensure that key dependencies are kept up to date.
If these are not desired in the cloned project, remove references to check_outdated
job from .circleci/config.yml
Once the application is running you should then be able to login with:
username: AUTH_USER password: password123456
To request specific users and roles then raise a PR to update the seed data for the in-memory DB used by Auth
npm run lint
.npm run typecheck
runs the TypeScript compilertsc
npm run test
For local running, start a wiremock instance by:
docker compose -f docker-compose-test.yml up
Then run the server in test mode by:
npm run start-feature
(or npm run start-feature:dev
to run with auto-restart on changes)
And then either, run tests in headless mode with:
npm run int-test
Or run tests with the cypress UI:
npm run int-test-ui