- List top 250 movies;
- Show a card with name, year and crew (on hover), image and score (rounded up);
- Search form.
- Language selector with: EN, PT and ES as options;
- Button to list Box Office Movies.
- React Context to store the movie list;
- On submitting search form: filter by name;
- On submitting empty search form: show all movies.
- Go to.
- Register
- Confirm your email
- Go to.
- Your API Key will show up as below:
- Language selector with: EN, PT and ES as options.
- Button to list Coming Soon Movies.
Button styles:
background: #22254b;
border-radius: 50px;
border: 1px solid #FFF;
color: #FFF;
padding: 0 16px;
font-size: 16px;
cursor: pointer;
- Score should have diffent color depending on value.
If score >= 7 it should be green.
Yellow if 3 < score < 7.
Red if score <= 3.
- On clicking a movie, show a modal with the following movie information: Name, year, background image, plot local (using the language selector), genre, stars and languages
Referece: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/components/modal/#vertically-centered
Create account on Firebase
- Auth com Firebase
- Routes: Sign In, Sign up
- Route: Favorites (only show option on header when user is logged in)
- Toast showing when user logged in and logged out
Firestore Get started
- Plug Firestore
- User can add movies to favorites
- List favorite movies by user
- Users can remove movies from favorites (Favorite page only)