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WebSocket Client for Unity

Unity Version

This package provides a MonoBehaviour called WebSocketConnection.

WebSocketConnection is an easy-to-use WebSocket client.


  • Easy to use
    • WebSocketConnection is just a MonoBehaviour
    • Using async/await is optional: event listeners, coroutines, and polling are supported
    • Doesn't force #if for WebGL: no conditional-compilation required
    • Public API prevents you from corrupting an active connection
    • Reusable: connect, disconnect, change URL, connect again from one WebSocketConnection
  • Wide support
    • No external install requirements or dependencies
    • string is treated as text, byte[] as binary (some servers enforce this)
    • Custom ping-pong support, write once for Web and non-Web
    • Web uses a .jslib JavaScript library, non-Web builds use the built-in System.Net.WebSockets
    • Includes support for WebAssembly.Table (Unity 6+)
  • Flexible config
    • URL is the only required config
    • Sane defaults
    • Optionally set subprotocols, max send, and max receive bytes
    • Optionally configure ping-pongs to happen one after another, enabling RTT tracking


See official instructions for how to Install a Package from a Git URL. The URL is

⚠️ Known Limitations ⚠️

  • Headers aren't supported in WebGL because the JavaScript WebSocket API doesn't support them
  • You can't bypass server certificate validation when connecting to a secure websocket endpoint (wss). That means the endpoint must have a CA-verifiable SSL certificate, it can't have no certs installed or only self-signed certs.
    • For WebGL, this is due to a limitation in the JavaScript WebSocket API
    • For .NET, this is due to a bug in Unity's mono runtime
    • There is an active issue to address this, but no timeframe for resolution, currently.


Assume we have a class like this for the following samples:

using MikeSchweitzer.WebSocket;

public class Tester : MonoBehaviour
    public WebSocketConnection _Connection;
    public string _Url = "wss://";


// inline style
public void Connect()

// property style
public void Connect()
    _Connection.DesiredConfig = new WebSocketConfig
        Url = _Url,


public void Disconnect()

State Querying

Update Style

private WebSocketState _oldState;

private void Update()
    var newState = WebSocketConnection.State;
    if (_oldState != newState)
        Debug.Log($"OnStateChanged oldState={_oldState}|newState={newState}");
        _oldState = newState;

Event Style

private void Awake()
    _Connection.StateChanged += OnStateChanged

private void OnDestroy()
    _Connection.StateChanged -= OnStateChanged;

private void OnStateChanged(WebSocketConnection connection, WebSocketState oldState, WebSocketState newState)
    Debug.Log($"OnStateChanged oldState={oldState}|newState={newState}");


Coroutine Style

public IEnumerator Reconnect()
    yield return new WaitUntil(_Connection.State == WebSocketState.Disconnected);

    // you may change the url here, if you want

Event Style

private void OnStateChanged(WebSocketConnection connection, WebSocketState oldState, WebSocketState newState)
    if (newState == WebSocketState.Disconnected)
        // you may change the url here, if you want

Error Messages

NOTE: These are just error messages, not states. See the State Querying section.

Error messages are generally derived from platform-specific WebSocket errors.

private void Awake()
    _Connection.ErrorMessageReceived += OnErrorMessageReceived;

private void OnDestroy()
    _Connection.ErrorMessageReceived -= OnErrorMessageReceived;

private void OnErrorMessageReceived(WebSocketConnection connection, string errorMessage)
    // you can also use _Connection.ErrorMessage

Send Messages

⚠️ You must be Connected to send messages, otherwise you will get an error

public void SendString()

public void SendBinary()
    var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hello");

Receive Messages

Update Style

private void Update()
    while (_Connection.TryRemoveIncomingMessage(out string message))

Event Style

private void Awake()
    _Connection.MessageReceived += OnMessageReceived;

private void OnDestroy()
    _Connection.MessageReceived -= OnMessageReceived;

private void OnMessageReceived(WebSocketConnection connection, WebSocketMessage message)

Coroutine Style

private void Awake()

private IEnumerator ReceiveMessages()
    while (true)
        if (_Connection.TryRemoveIncomingMessage(out string message))
        yield return null;

Async/Await Style

private CancellationTokenSource _cts;

private async void Awake()
    _cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
    await ReceiveMessagesAsync();

private void OnDestroy()

private async Task ReceiveMessagesAsync()
    while (!_cts.IsCancellationRequested)
        if (_Connection.TryRemoveIncomingMessage(out string message))

        await Task.Yield();

Custom Ping-Pong Support

This package has a custom ping-pong feature that you can write once for Web and non-Web builds.

⚠️ Your server must be configured to echo messages of the same message type (text or binary) and content.
⚠️ This package has custom ping-pong support because the default browser JavaScript WebSocket client does not implement the WebSocket Ping Pong spec even though .NET's WebSocketClient does implement the spec.

Enable Text Ping-Pongs

private void ConfigureStringPings()
    _Connection.DesiredConfig = new WebSocketConfig
        Url = _Url,
        PingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
        PingMessage = new WebSocketMessage("hi"),

Enable Binary Ping-Pongs

private byte[] _pingBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hi");
private void ConfigureBinaryPings()
    _Connection.DesiredConfig = new WebSocketConfig
        Url = _Url,
        PingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
        PingMessage = new WebSocketMessage(_pingBytes),

Enable Round Trip Time (RTT) Tracking

private void Awake()
    _Connection.DesiredConfig = new WebSocketConfig
        Url = _Url,
        PingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),
        PingMessage = new WebSocketMessage("hi"),
        ShouldPingWaitForPong = true,
    _Connection.PingSent += OnPingSent;
    _Connection.PongReceived += OnPongReceived;

private void OnDestroy()
    _Connection.PingSent -= OnPingSent;
    _Connection.PongReceived -= OnPongReceived;

private void OnPingSent(WebSocketConnection connection, DateTime timestamp)
    Debug.Log($"OnPingSent timestamp={timestamp:HH:mm:ss.ffff}");

private void OnPongReceived(WebSocketConnection connection, DateTime timestamp)
    Debug.Log($"OnPongReceived timestamp={timestamp:HH:mm:ss.ffff}");
    Debug.Log($"OnPongReceived RTT={connection.LastPingPongInterval:ss\\.ffff}");

My Test Projects

If you want to see how I test this package, or you just don't want to roll your own:


Based on this repo by Endel Dreyer, which was
Based on this repo by Jiri Hybek

See license and third party notices for full attribution.