This is a fork of the CICFlowmeter-V4.0, refactoring the application into a pure CMDApp and adding a Kafka sink. See the license information and original Readme.
Start Class Cmd() for starting the application.
For reading in PCAP files and producing into kafka topics use the application with the following parameters:
-p path/to/pcap -k localhost:9092 topic-name group-id
For listening on a network interfaces (execute as root) and producing into kafka topic use the following parameters:
-i interface-name -k localhost:9092 topic-name group-id
For the usage of the jnetpcap artifact the maven package must be installed locally with the following command: //linux :at the pathtoproject/jnetpcap/linux/jnetpcap-1.4.r1425 //windows: at the pathtoproject/jnetpcap/win/jnetpcap-1.4.r1425 mvn install:install-file -Dfile=jnetpcap.jar -DgroupId=org.jnetpcap -DartifactId=jnetpcap -Dversion=1.4.1 -Dpackaging=jar
Alternative adding the right repository configuration and right artifact dependency configuration in the pom.xml:
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Concerning java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.slytecths.libarary.NativeLibrary.dlopen(Ljava/lang/String;) consider the following link: stating the following in summary:
- install libpcap-devel
- download jnetpcap-1.4.r1425
- extract to /lib64