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argocd-extra-app-info-exporter - Exports that one missing metric from ArgoCD.

This exporter exports a argocd_extra_app_info metric which looks like the original argocd_app_info metric but with the application revision field as a label. One of the reasons one would want that label is to create e.g. alerts if the revision field is anything else than main, this exporter will probably be around until PR 15143 merges.

Exported metric labels:

  • namespace
  • name
  • project
  • revision

Please note that this exporter lists all application in a cluster (once per interval), if you've specified a namespace the list of applications will be limited to that namespace.


helm repo add mikejoh

helm upgrade \
  --namespace argocd-extra-app-info-exporter \
  --create-namespace \
  mikejoh/argocd-extra-app-info-exporter \


  • Add --set serviceMonitor.enabled=true to deploy a ServiceMonitor (part of the Prometheus Operator).
  • Add --set prometheusRule.enabled=true to deploy a proof-of-concept alert rule (PrometheusRule, also part of the Prometheus Operator).
  • Add --set excludeRevisions[0]="main" to exclude creating a metric for the revision main.