sloppy heroes of hammerwatch 2 qol ahk applet
the #HotIf segments at the top should contain keys you might want to rebind. I think I set it all up to use the default binds, so if you use default binds shouldn't be any issues.
features things that reduce hand strain, like streamlined bow spam, bow charge, charge cancelling, dualwield cancelling, skill looping, etc. also lets you quickly rebind skills on the fly, nice when swapping builds sometimes.
It more or less requires this to be true:
Q is NOT bound to a skill (we use this to break out from menu status when needed) C, I, ESC are menu keys 1 + Mouse5 = Skill 1 2 + Mouse4 = Skill 2 3 + E = Skill 3
feel free to change the Mouse5/Mouse4/E part, but if you change 1,2,3 part you gotta update functions etc in the script.
keybind changes in script is done in the #HotIf section, at the top.