Sparkify provides music streaming to end users. Data of song details and user activities is captured as JSON files.
AWS Redshift is selected as the data warehousing platform, enabling persistent data storage and ad hoc queries.
Apache Airflow is designated as the data pipeline solution, supporting automation and monitoring of the ETL process.
Create Redshift IAM role with S3FullAccess.
Create Redshift cluster.
Attach Redshift IAM role to the cluster.
create empty staging tables, dimension tables, and fact table as groundwork.
Start Airflow with
in command line -
Create connection to S3
Create connection to Redshift
Log data:
Song data:
Songplay Fact Table
Users Dimension Table
Songs Dimension Table
Artists Dimension Table
Time Dimension Table
: DDLs for 2 staging tables, 4 dimension tables, and 1 fact table for the project -
: DAG file for Apache Airflow -
: custom operator to load data from S3 to Redshift -
: custom operator to populate fact table in Redshift -
: custom operator to load dimension tables in Redshift -
: custom operator to check data quality in all tables. e.g. at least one record in the table