Sparkify provides music streaming to end users. Data of song details and user activities is captured as JSON files.
AWS Redshift is used as data warehouse solution, enabling persistent data storage and ad hoc interactive queries.
We choose star schema to link various pieces of the data assets: songplays as fact table, and users, songs, artists, and time as dimension tables.
Create Redshift IAM role with S3FullAccess.
Create Redshift cluster.
Note Redshift host address, database username, password, port number, and insert them into config file.
Attach Redshift IAM role to the cluster.
Song Dataset, with metadata about a song and the artist of that song.
Log Dataset, with simulated app activity logs.
Songplay Fact Table
Users Dimension Table
Songs Dimension Table
Artists Dimension Table
Time Dimension Table
sql_queries.py: contains all PostgreSQL queries used in the project.
create_tables.py: make connection to database, and create all staging and final tables used in the project.
etl.py: load raw data from s3 to staging tables, and populate final tables with data from staging with necessary transformations.
first run
python create_tables.py
then run
python etl.py
find top 5 songs played by male
select s.title, count(s.title) from songs s join songplay sp on s.song_id = sp.song_id join users u on u.user_id = sp.user_id where u.gender = 'M' group by s.title order by count(s.title) desc limit 5
find top 5 songs played on weekends
select s.title, count(s.title) from songs s join songplay sp on s.song_id = sp.song_id join time t on t.start_time = t.start_time where t.weekday = 0 or t.weekday = 6 group by s.title order by count(s.title) desc limit 5