This whiteboard design session is designed to help attendees gain a better understanding of implementing architectures leveraging aspects from microservices and serverless architectures, by helping an online concert ticket vendor survive the first 5 minutes of crushing load. They will handle the client's scaling needs through microservices built on top of Service Fabric, and apply smooth updates or roll back failing updates. Finally, students will design an implementation of load testing to optimize the architecture for handling spikes in traffic.
Attendees will learn how to:
Implement scale and resiliency with Service Fabric
Enable serverless solutions with Azure Functions
Control API access with API Management
Provide query flexibility with Cosmos DB
Application Developer
- Azure Service Fabric
- Azure Resource Groups
- Azure API Management
- Azure API Apps
- Azure Active Directory
- Azure Web Apps
- Azure CosmosDB
- Azure Storage
- Azure Load Balancer
- Azure Queues
- Azure Functions
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