This repository is meant as a code-examples version of the Flaskr tutorial at, except with a few modifications meant to make it easy to run on Heroku with Postgres.
To download and run locally, you should need Git, Python and Postgres, and you should run the code inside of a virtual environment. For the early rounds of this, you'll need SQLite instead of Postgres. Everything else should be installed from within the virtual environment with Pip.
- Setting up the Environment
First, get yourself into the the directory where you want to store this project,
like cd ~/projects/
, and clone this repository with git clone
. Then cd into flaskr-heroku
Next, if you haven't run recently, go ahead and re-clone it with
git clone /tmp/virtualenv
. Then set up
this project's virtual environment with python /tmp/virtualenv/ ./ve
When you want to run the app, or use Pip to install new Python packages or run
any of the database update scripts, you'll activate the virtual environment with
source /path/to/ve/bin/activate
, and if you want to leave the ve and switch to another
project, you just type deactivate
- Running the app for the first time
Note: this section will change over time! If you want to run the app in different stages, you should revert your entire repository to that point and refer to this section in the README at that point.
The first time you run the application, you'll need to activate your virtual
environment and run pip install -r 'requirements.txt'
. Then you'll need to
follow the instructions on this page which
explain how to create the database from schema.sql
and how to run init_db()
for the first time.
Now you're ready to go!
While still inside the virtual environment, run the Flask web server
with python
- Running the app on Heroku
First, head over to this Heroku Dev Center help page.
Install the Heroku toolbelt, and set up a free Heroku account. If you have
Homebrew, use brew install heroku-toolbelt
Run heroku login
and give it your credentials. Verify your keys are working and go to the next step. You can skim over the next step
because you've already created the app.
Now for the moment of truth! Run heroku create
and git push heroku master
and that really should be it.