My awesome deep learning library from scratch with C++. BEHLUL is acronym for Behlul is an Efficient High Level Useful Library
. Name is inspired from the famous fictitious Turkish novel character Behlul Ziyagil.
All layers are implemented in different classes. Sizes of outputs and inputs must match. Here are the classes:
- Convolution Layer
- ReLU Layer
- Max Pool Layer
- Dense Layer
- Softmax Layer
- Cross Entropy Layer
Xor network is deprecated and dense layer is implemented all over again.
Documentation is generated by doxygen and inside docs
folder. For pdf version, open refman.pdf
file. For html version, open html/index.html
To run State Farm Distracted Driver Detection from python notebook, run those commands in the same order.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ..
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install jupyter Pillow numpy pytest matplotlib
$ jupyter notebook
Open the link given by jupyter on the browser (something like
). Open state_farm_cnn.ipynb
. Then run the cells of the notebook in an order according to your purpose (run all, run pretrained etc.)
To run unit tests, run those commands in the same order.
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./unit_test_main
When Behlul is compiled in previous step, it generates a file named
in build folder. I created my notebook in root folder, so i import behlul as import build.my_project as behlul
and here is an example conv layer created from Behlul: conv = behlul.Conv_Layer (28, 28, 1, 5, 1, 6)
I get the Driver Images data from kaggle as zip file. I extracted state-farm-distracted-driver-detection/imgs/train
to data/train
folder. I only used train data as my whole dataset for simplicity. I splitted the given train data to ~80% of it as train data, ~10% of it as validation data and remaining ~10% of it as test data. Pretrained weights are also kept under data
folder as data/state_conv1.out
, data/state_conv2.out
, data/state_dense.out
All images are 480x640. I cropped 80px from left and rights to make images square for my model. As main attraction points are almost always in the middle of the images, I didn't lose much useful information. Initially, I was going to resize images to 224x224 to run AlexNet. However, when I tried my old model from MNIST with resized 28x28 new images, I got some successful results (50% acc. for 1 epoch with 10 classes). Then, I didn't go further and stayed with my model.
I used the same model as I used in MNIST.
- Conv_Layer 1: input: 28x28x1 filter: 5x5x1 num_filters: 6 stride: 1 output: 24x24x6
- ReLU 1: output: 24x24x6
- Max_Pool 1: input: 24x24x6 filter: 2x2x6 stride: 2 output: 12x12x6
- Conv_Layer 2: input: 12x12x6 filter: 5x5x6 num_filters: 16 stride: 1 output: 8x8x16
- ReLU 2: output: 8x8x16
- Max_Pool 2: input: 8x8x16 filter: 2x2x16 stride: 2 output: 4x4x16
- Dense_Layer: input: 4x4x16 output: 1x10
- Softmax
- Cross_Entropy
I ran the data 5 epoch and it took 30 mins to get output.
Training accuracy: 0.78
Validation accuracy: 0.75
Test accuracy: 0.72
To run MNIST classifier from c++ main, run those commands in the same order.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./run_main
If you don't want to train data all over again and want to use pretrained weights, press y
and then enter
when the program asks after the start. Otherwise, press another character not y
and then enter
to standard long hours training.
Normal training takes ~4 mins. By using pretrained weights, running train set and validation set takes ~40 secs. By using pretrained weights, running only validation set takes ~7 secs.
So I decided to use train set and validation set with pretrained weights for demo purpose. (I printed the index on every 1000 example to keep track.)
I get the MNIST data from kaggle as csv files. I read the data from data/train.csv
and data/test.csv
. I splitted the given train data to 90% of it as train data and remaining 10% of it as validation data. I get the output of the test data and send it to kaggle competition. Pretrained weights are also kept under data
folder as data/conv1.out
, data/conv2.out
, data/dense.out
- Conv_Layer 1: input: 28x28x1 filter: 5x5x1 num_filters: 6 stride: 1 output: 24x24x6
- ReLU 1: output: 24x24x6
- Max_Pool 1: input: 24x24x6 filter: 2x2x6 stride: 2 output: 12x12x6
- Conv_Layer 2: input: 12x12x6 filter: 5x5x6 num_filters: 16 stride: 1 output: 8x8x16
- ReLU 2: output: 8x8x16
- Max_Pool 2: input: 8x8x16 filter: 2x2x16 stride: 2 output: 4x4x16
- Dense_Layer: input: 4x4x16 output: 1x10
- Softmax
- Cross_Entropy
I ran the data 1 epoch and it took 4 mins to get output.
Training accuracy: 0.970026
Validation accuracy: 0.96881
Test accuracy: 0.96700