is a utility designed to dump the memory from a executable. This can be useful for security analysis or debugging purposes.
- Process Memory Dumping: Dump the memory of a specified process by PID.
- Custom Output: Save dumps to a file or output them to the console.
- Keyword Search: Search for specific words within the memory dump.
- Graphical User Interface (GUI): Start the application with a GUI for easier interaction.
To use memDumper
, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Change directory to the cloned repository
cd memDumper
- Init and update the submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Checkout the docking branch of dearImgui
git checkout docking
- Create the build directory
mkdir build
- Change directory to the build directory
cd build
- Build CMake files
cmake ..
- Build the project
cmake --build .
memDump.exe -p <PID> [-o <output_file>] [-w <word_to_search_1> -w <word_to_search_2>]
memDump.exe --gui
- Windows