IBM IoT Watson Swift Client for managing, publishing and commanding devices and gateways.
- Add
to your Xcode project
- Add
github "menan/IBMIotClient" "master"
to your Cartfile - Run
carthage update --platform ios
on Terminal to update your Carthage libraries - Link BIMIoTClient framework to your project from Carthage/Build/iOS/IBMIotClient.framework
- Add
to your projects Build Phases under Carthage Copy Frameworks.
- iOS
- watchOS
- tvOS
- macOS
Built with Swift 5 with Xcode 10.2
Import IBMIoTClient to your swift file.
import IBMIoTClient
Set your credentials.
IBMIoTClient.apiKey = "" //Your IBM Watson IoT API Key
IBMIoTClient.appToken = "" //Your IBM Watson IoT App Token
IBMIoTClient.orgId = "" //Your IBM Watson IoT Organization ID
Fetch all devices of type hub
IBMIoTClient.shared.getDevices(typeId: "hub") { (res) in
if let results = res as? ResultsData {
print("Get devices results", results.results)
else {
print("Error occured while getting all hubs")
Get a specific device's info
var deviceData = DeviceData()
deviceData.typeId = "hub"
deviceData.deviceId = "239874sas"
IBMIoTClient.shared.getDevice(device: deviceData) { (res) in
if let device = res as? DeviceData {
print("Fetched Device Data", device)
else {
print("Error occured while fetching device data \(deviceData.deviceId!)", res!)
Delete a device
var deviceData = DeviceData()
deviceData.typeId = "hub"
deviceData.deviceId = "239874sas"
IBMIoTClient.shared.deleteDevice(device: deviceData) { (res) in
print("Device \(deviceData.deviceId!) delete response", res!)
Add a new device
var newDevice = DeviceData()
newDevice.typeId = "hub"
newDevice.deviceId = "239874sasas"
newDevice.metadata = Metadata()
newDevice.metadata?.armed = true
newDevice.metadata?.pir = true
newDevice.metadata?.co = true
newDevice.metadata?.fire = true
newDevice.metadata?.mic = true
newDevice.metadata?.scream = true
newDevice.metadata?.name = "Menan's Hub"
newDevice.deviceInfo = DeviceInfoData()
newDevice.deviceInfo?.serialNumber = "OWL-123"
newDevice.deviceInfo?.manufacturer = "Owl Home Inc."
newDevice.deviceInfo?.model = "Hub"
newDevice.deviceInfo?.description = "Owl Hub"
newDevice.deviceInfo?.descriptiveLocation = "Menan's Hub"
IBMIoTClient.shared.addDevice(device: &newDevice) { (res) in
if let device = res as? DeviceData {
print("Added Device Data", device)
else {
print("Error occured while Adding device data \(newDevice.deviceId!)", res!)