Functional Unification Formalism
Systemic Unification-based Realization Grammar for English
FUF 5.4 and SURGE 2.2
All the material included in this package is Copyright 1987-2017 by
Michael Elhadad
Ben Gurion University
Dept. of Computer Science
Beer Sheva, 84105 ISRAEL
elhadad at
This repository contains FUF 5.4, a system of natural language generation based on the formalism of Functional Unification Grammars.
SURGE is a large grammar of English written in FUF used for surface realization in natural language generation. It maps "deep syntax / lexicalized semantic" input specifications to fluent English sentences.
SURGE is written in FUF. FUF is an interpreter written in CommonLisp.
The package includes a Dockerfile to build a container that includes a Jupyter notebook to interact with SURGE. See Installation Instructions.