Restfull API for accessing data.
Put this into your .ssh/config and ask for rights to the dev machine (from Antti):
Host coredev
HostKeyAlias coredev
Port 20027
User root
ServerAliveCountMax 3
ServerAliveInterval 20
LocalForward 4730
Connect to dev machine for the tunnel to appear in the background. You need to have this connection open for the API to access the background workers.
~ # ssh -fN coredev
Clone the repo and set the development config to your current config:
~ # git clone [email protected]:meetings/data-api-node.git
~ # cd data-api-node
data-api-node # ln -s meetings/settings.js
Run npm install and start the api:
data-api-node # npm install
data-api-node # node data-api.js
Now you can get an authorization key for example like this:
~ # curl -s -d 'pin=1234' --data-urlencode '[email protected]' http://localhost:8000/v1/login
After which you can send authenticated requests like this:
~ # curl -s -H 'dic:v1_e_4633_0_0_mNCtsuCceXYZYPL_AS4woF_tUfg' -H 'user_id:4633' http://localhost:8000/v1/users/4633/notifications
To enable debugging, you need to run the app with 0.12.x, for example by using nvm (node version manager).
After changing major versions of node, it is always good to clear the node_modules directory:
~ # nvm install 0.12
~ # nvm use 0.12
~ # nvm i -g node-inspector
~ # cd data-api-node
data-api-node # rm -Rf node_modules
data-api-node # npm install
data-api-node # node-debug data-api.js --debug
The --debug switch disables multi process clustering, which makes it possible to debug the process.
When starting with the debugger, there is an automatic breakpoint in the first line. To get the server actually running and responding to requests, you need to press play in the debugger interface.
After starting the process, the Chrome browser might not open the debugger correctly. You might need to open the page manually in the browser by navigating to:
- Install dependencies and link data-api to your $PATH.
# npm install
# npm link
- Copy Upstart configuration in place.
# install -m 0644 autodeploy/data-api.conf /etc/init
- Start service.
# service data-api start