The Meeting Cost Calculator lets you calculate an estimated cost for meetings, using the standard pay rates used by a variety of public sector organizations.
Take a look at How to run an efficient meeting, from 18F, the Apolitical Guide to Better Meetings, or the Freakonomics podcast titled How to Make Meetings Less Terrible.
The salary data included here is adapted from published annual pay rate sources, for example from the TBS Rates of Pay website.
You can find and contribute to this data on GitHub.
The data is converted from CSV files to JSON using the scripts in the helpers repository. The JS files for organizations and pay rates are generated automatically from the data repository CSV files.
- Meeting costs are determined by converting annual salaries into hourly rates, then multiplying these against the elapsed time.
- Salary classifications with a range of levels are simplified to minimum, maximum, and median rates. These rates (along with optional employee benefit plan and accommodation premium costs) can be selected under the gear options menu.
To install a local version of the Meeting Cost Calculator:
Install Hugo by following the Hugo installation instructions. For MacOS users, Homebrew works well.
Clone this repository into your preferred location by using
git clone
Switch into the new directory, and install the theme submodule using
git submodule update --remote --merge
Then, run the Hugo development server using hugo server -D
You can learn more about how Hugo works by reading the Getting Started documentation.
An Ottawa Civic Tech project, built by Sean Boots. Thanks to Dan, Conor, Corey, David, Miceal, Rick, Mary Beth, Gordon, Brandon, Willem, and Ben for ideas and contributions!
This website is based on the Vanilla Bootstrap Hugo Theme. It uses Bootstrap 4, the Feather icon library, and Netlify for hosting.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
Contributions, pull requests, and new issues are welcome! Please add new issues to the original repository Issues tracker.