A simulation to facilitate teaching the basics of robotics and microcontrollers. Topics covered include colour sensors, ultrasonic sensors, line-following and maze-solving.
These setup instructions should work on Windows 10, macOS and many Linux distributions.
- Install VSCode
- Download the files from this repository and unzip:
- Open the robot-challenge folder in VSCode (File -> Open Folder)
- Open the Extensions tab (Ctrl-Shift-X or Cmd-Shift-X) and install the Live Server extension
- Open the Explorer tab (Ctrl-Shift-E or Cmd-Shift-E) and right-click on index.html.
- Click on 'Open with Live Server'
- Go to in your browser (Chrome/Chromium-based browser will work best).
- Press 'p' to pause/unpause and select level
- Press 'r' to restart the level
- Press 'c' to switch between third person view or free cam
- Use the arrow keys, wasd or ijkl to control the car manually.
- Add code to control the car autonomously inside the
The three.js library was used to create the simulation environment, so if you're interested in creating something similar or modifying this code, check out these resources:
The three.js examples page has examples covering a wide range of features in three.js so it's always a great first place to look.
There's also a useful links page.