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Merge pull request #2 from mdpoleto/1.1.0_branch
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1.1.0 branch
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mdpoleto authored Mar 23, 2022
2 parents 8ae25aa + 8897e65 commit aa5e9fd
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Showing 3 changed files with 123 additions and 47 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -150,3 +150,7 @@ In Brazilian folklore, Tupã is considered a "manifestation of God in the form o

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128 changes: 90 additions & 38 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,27 +77,32 @@
selatom = str(config['Probe Selection']["selatom"].strip('"'))
except Exception as e2:
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: in "atom" mode, selatom must be defined!\n""")
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: in "ATOM" mode, selatom must be defined!\n""")
elif mode == "bond":
selbond1 = str(config['Probe Selection']["selbond1"].strip('"'))
selbond2 = str(config['Probe Selection']["selbond2"].strip('"'))
except Exception as e2:
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: in "bond" mode, both selbond1 and selbond2 must be defined!\n""")
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: in "BOND" mode, both selbond1 and selbond2 must be defined!\n""")
elif mode == "coordinate":
tmp_probecoordinate = str(config['Probe Selection']["probecoordinate"]).strip('[]').split(",")
probecoordinate = [float(item) for item in tmp_probecoordinate]
except Exception as e2:
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: in "coordinate" mode, a list of coordinates [X,Y,Z] must be provided!\n""")
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: in "COORDINATE" mode, a list of coordinates [X,Y,Z] must be provided!\n""")
elif mode == "list":
file_of_coordinates = str(config['Probe Selection']["file_of_coordinates"].strip('"'))
except Exception as e2:
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: in "LIST" mode, "file_of_coordinates" must be defined!\n""")
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: "mode" must be defined as "atom", "bond" or coordinate!\n""")
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: "mode" must be defined as "ATOM", "BOND", "COORDINATE" or "LIST"!\n""")

except Exception as e2:
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: "mode" must be defined as "atom", "bond" or coordinate!\n""")
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: "mode" must be defined as "ATOM", "BOND", "COORDINATE" or "LIST"!\n""")

if mode == "coordinate":
if mode == "coordinate" or mode == "list":
remove_self = str(config['Probe Selection']["remove_self"]).lower()
if remove_self == "true":
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,14 +173,16 @@
print('sele_environment = {}'.format(sele_elecfield))
print("[Probe Selection]")
print('mode = {}'.format(mode))
print('mode = {}'.format(mode))
if mode == "atom":
print('selatom = {}'.format(selatom))
print('selatom = {}'.format(selatom))
elif mode == "bond":
print('selbond1 = {}'.format(selbond1))
print('selbond2 = {}'.format(selbond2))
print('selbond1 = {}'.format(selbond1))
print('selbond2 = {}'.format(selbond2))
elif mode == "coordinate":
print('probecoordinate = {}'.format(probecoordinate))
print('probecoordinate = {}'.format(probecoordinate))
elif mode == "list":
print('file_of_coordinates = {}'.format(file_of_coordinates))
if remove_self == True:
print('remove_self = {}'.format(remove_self))
print('remove_cutoff = {}'.format(remove_cutoff))
Expand All @@ -188,6 +195,11 @@
print('dt = {}'.format(dt))
print("[Box Info]")
print('redefine_box = {}'.format(redefine_box))
if redefine_box == True:
print('boxdimensions = {}'.format(boxdimensions))

def mag(vector):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,37 +298,61 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):

outres = open(outdir + "ElecField_per_residue.dat",'w')
outres.write("""@ title "Magnitude of Electric Field"\n@ xaxis label "Residues"\n@ yaxis label "MV/cm"\n""")
outres.write("#time EField_per_residue Std.Deviation EField_residue_alignement Std.Deviation\n")
outres.write("#time Efield_per_residue Std.Deviation Alignment_percentage (%) Alignment_Stdev\n")
outres.write("@type xydy\n")

outprobe = open(outdir + "probe_info.dat", "w")
outprobe.write("#time probe_coordinates\n")

if mode == "bond":
outproj = open(outdir + "ElecField_proj_onto_bond.dat",'w')
outproj.write("""@ title "Electric Field Projection"\n@ xaxis label "Time (ps)"\n@ yaxis label "MV/cm"\n""")
outproj.write("""@ title "Efield_Projection"\n@ xaxis label "Time (ps)"\n@ yaxis label "MV/cm"\n""")
outproj.write("#time Magnitude Efield_X Efield_Y Efield_Z Direction\n")
outproj.write("@type xy\n")

outalig = open(outdir + "ElecField_alignment.dat",'w')
outalig.write("""@ title "Electric Field Projection"\n@ xaxis label "Time (ps)"\n@ yaxis label "Percentage"\n""")
outalig.write("""@ title "Efield_Projection"\n@ xaxis label "Time (ps)"\n@ yaxis label "Alignment_percentage"\n""")
outalig.write("#time Alignment_percentage\n")
outalig.write("@type xy\n")

outrbond = open(outdir + "bond_axis_info.dat", "w")
outrbond.write("#time rbondvec_in_meters rbond_magnitude rbond_unit_vector\n")

# Creating Universe and making selections
if top_file != None and traj_file != None:
u = mda.Universe(top_file, traj_file)
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: Topology or Trajectory files missing. Are you not forgetting something?!\n""")

# This is us being very verbose so people actually know what is happening
# If mode == LIST, parse the file of coordinates
if mode == 'list':
loc = open(file_of_coordinates, 'r')
list_of_coordinates = []
while True:
coorline = loc.readline()
if not coorline: break
if coorline[0] != "#" and coorline[0] != "@":
if len(coorline.split()) == 3:
listcoorX = float(coorline.split()[0])
listcoorY = float(coorline.split()[1])
listcoorZ = float(coorline.split()[2])
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: File of coordinates could not be parsed! Expecting floats or integers (X Y Z). Check your inputs!\n""")
tmpcoorlist = [listcoorX, listcoorY, listcoorZ]
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: File of coordinates could not be parsed! Expecting 3 columns (X Y Z). Check your inputs!\n""")

# Sanity check: list of coordinates should have the same length as the trajectory
if len(list_of_coordinates) != len(u.trajectory):
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: File of coordinates and trajectory have different lengths (""" + str(len(list_of_coordinates)) + """ lines and """ + str(len(u.trajectory)) + """ frames)!\n""")

# Check whether trajectory file has box dimension information and redefine if requested

if u.dimensions is not None:
boxangles = u.dimensions[3:]
checkangles = [i for i in boxangles if float(i) != 90.]
Expand All @@ -342,11 +378,13 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):
sys.exit("""\n>>> ERROR: Your trajectory does not contain information regarding box size. Provide them in the configuration file!\n""")

# This is us being very verbose so people actually know what is happening
if mode == "atom":
probe_selection = u.select_atoms(selatom)
if len(probe_selection) > 1:
print("\n>>> Running in ATOM mode!")
print(">>> Probe atoms (COG) = "+ str(probe_selection.atoms) + "\n")
print(">>> Probe atoms (using center of geometry) = "+ str(probe_selection.atoms) + "\n")
print("\n>>> Running in ATOM mode!")
print(">>> Probe atom = "+ str(probe_selection.atoms[0].name) +"-"+ str(probe_selection.resnames[0]) + str(probe_selection.resnums[0]) + "\n")
Expand All @@ -363,23 +401,26 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):
print(">>> Probe XYZ position = " + str(probe_selection))
if remove_self == True:
print(">>> Removing self contribution within a radial cutoff of " + str(remove_cutoff) + " Angstroms\n")
elif mode == "list":
probe_selection = list_of_coordinates
print("\n>>> Running in LIST mode!")
print(">>> Probe XYZ positions = " + str(len(list_of_coordinates)) + """ XYZ coordinates""")
if remove_self == True:
print(">>> Removing self contribution within a radial cutoff of " + str(remove_cutoff) + " Angstroms\n")

sys.exit("\n>>> MODE should be 'bond' or 'atom' or 'coordinate'!")

# Making selection of atoms that exert the electric field
# Selecting the atoms that exert the electric field
elecfield_selection = u.select_atoms(sele_elecfield)

# Sanity check: atoms in probe_selection should NOT be in elecfield_selection
# if tmprefposition == probe_selection.center_of_geometry(). Checking that...
sanity_flag = False
if mode == "atom" or mode == "bond":
for atom in probe_selection.atoms:
if atom in elecfield_selection.atoms:
sanity_flag = True
if sanity_flag == True:
print(">>> WARNING: Probe atom(s) within Environment selection! Consider using 'remove_self = True'!\n")
sys.exit(">>> WARNING: Probe atom(s) within Environment selection (" + str(atom) + ")! Review your environment selection!\n>>> Exiting...\n")

# Verbose output for solvent inclusion in calculation. Selection is done within the trajectory loop
Expand All @@ -399,19 +440,19 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):

print("\n>>> Calculating Electric Field at time:")
print("\n>>> Calculating Electric Field:")

efield_total = {}

for ts in u.trajectory[0: len(u.trajectory):]:

# if we detected that box needs dimensions, we redefine it on each frame here
if always_redefine_box_flag == True:
ts.dimensions = boxdimensions

# Update environment and target selections
# Update environment selections and probe position
if mode == "atom":
if len(probe_selection) > 1:
refposition = probe_selection.center_of_geometry()
Expand All @@ -423,23 +464,29 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):
position2 = bond2.atoms[0].position

rbond_vec = (position2 - position1) # axis from ref1 to ref2
rbond_vec = rbond_vec*(10**(-10)) #convert from Angstrom to meter
rbond_vec = rbond_vec*(10**(-10)) # convert from Angstrom to meter
rbond_hat = unit_vector(rbond_vec)

refposition = (position1 + position2)/2 #midway for both atoms
refposition = (position1 + position2)/2 # midway for both atoms

elif mode == "coordinate":
refposition = probe_selection

elif mode == "list":
refposition = probe_selection[ts.frame] # update probe position from the list

# We incorporate the solvent selection around the probe here for each mode
if include_solvent == True:
if mode == "atom":
tmp_selection = u.select_atoms("(around " + str(solvent_cutoff) + " " + selatom + ") and " + solvent_selection, periodic=True)
elif mode == "bond":
tmp_selection = u.select_atoms("(around " + str(solvent_cutoff) + " (" + selbond1 + " or " + selbond2 +")) and " + solvent_selection, periodic=True)
elif mode == "coordinate":
tmp_selection = u.select_atoms("(point " + str(refposition[0]) + " " + str(refposition[1]) + " " + str(refposition[2]) + " " + str(solvent_cutoff) + ") and " + solvent_selection, periodic=True)
elif mode == "list":
tmp_selection = u.select_atoms("(point " + str(refposition[0]) + " " + str(refposition[1]) + " " + str(refposition[2]) + " " + str(solvent_cutoff) + ") and " + solvent_selection, periodic=True)

# translate molecules within selection that are beyond the PBC and incorporate into the environment
tmp_selection = pack_around(tmp_selection, refposition, ts.dimensions)
enviroment_selection = elecfield_selection + tmp_selection
Expand All @@ -452,21 +499,22 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):
time = "{:.0f}".format(frame*dt)
print("Time = " + str(time) + " ps... (Probe position: " + str(refposition) + ")")

# Write the probe coordinates
listprobe = "[" + str(refposition[0]) + "," + str(refposition[1]) + "," + str(refposition[2]) + "]"
lineprobe = str(time).ljust(10,' ') + listprobe.ljust(60,' ') + "\n"

# Dumping a specific frame
# Dumping a specific frame if asked
if dumptime != None:
if float(dumptime) == float(time):
print(" >>> Dumping frame (Time = " + str(time) + " ps)! Check " + outdir + "environment_" + time + "ps.pdb!")
enviroment_selection.write(outdir + "environment_" + time + "ps.pdb")

# Evaluate self_contribution removal
# Take absolute coordinates from probecoordinate
coordX, coordY, coordZ = refposition
# selects all atoms from environment within a cutoff of a point in space (point X Y Z cutoff)
self_contribution = enviroment_selection.select_atoms("point " + str(coordX) + " " + str(coordY) + " " + str(coordZ) + " " + str(remove_cutoff) + " ", periodic=True)
# Such approach is only available to COORDINATE mode. ATOM and BOND modes can achieve the same behavior
# by adjusting the environment selection accordingly.
self_contribution = enviroment_selection.select_atoms("point " + str(refposition[0]) + " " + str(refposition[1]) + " " + str(refposition[2]) + " " + str(remove_cutoff) + " ", periodic=True)

if len(self_contribution.atoms) > 0:
if remove_self == True:
Expand All @@ -484,7 +532,7 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):
yfield_list_frame = []
zfield_list_frame = []

# Iterating over all atoms in selection to get their contributions
# Iterating over all atoms in environment selection to get their contributions
for atom in enviroment_selection.atoms:
residue = str(atom.resname) + "_" + str(atom.resid)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -512,7 +560,7 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):

# Sum the contributions of all atoms to get the resultant Efield
# Sum the contributions of all atoms in each axis to get the resultant Efield
totalEfx = np.sum(xfield_list_frame)
totalEfy = np.sum(yfield_list_frame)
totalEfz = np.sum(zfield_list_frame)
Expand All @@ -525,7 +573,7 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):
# Write information exclusive to BOND mode
if mode == "bond":
# Calculate projection
# Calculate efield projection
Efprojection = projection(totalEf,rbond_vec)
Efproj_x, Efproj_y, Efproj_z = Efprojection

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -573,10 +621,11 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):
resEfmag = mag(resEf)
# calculate the projection and alignment for each residue
if mode == "bond":
resEfproj = projection(resEf,rbond_vec)
resEfproj = projection(resEf,rbond_vec) # resEf can have a higher magnitude than the total field.
resEfproj = projection(resEf,totalEf)
resEfalignment = alignment(mag(resEfproj),totalEfmag)
resEfalignment = alignment(mag(resEfproj),totalEfmag) # resEf can have a higher magnitude than the total field,
# which means % can be > 100%

# Update the total dictionary with values of THIS FRAME
resEfx_tmp, resEfy_tmp, resEfz_tmp, resEfmag_tmp, res_alignment_tmp = dict_res_total[r]
Expand All @@ -588,7 +637,8 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):
dict_res_total[r] = [resEfx_tmp, resEfy_tmp, resEfz_tmp, resEfmag_tmp, res_alignment_tmp]

# Calculate average Efield vector and deviation of each frame to the average
# Calculate average Efield vector and its angle to the field vector of each frame (Efield(t)).
# The ultimate goal here is to create a 3D standard deviation to be plotted with the field vector in pyTUPÃ.
avgfield = np.average(list(efield_total.values()), axis=0)
mag_list = []
angle_list = []
Expand All @@ -608,16 +658,18 @@ def pack_around(atom_group, center, boxinfo):
lineangle = str(time).ljust(10,' ') + str("{:.12e}".format(angle)).ljust(30,' ') + str("{:.12e}".format(projmag)).ljust(30,' ') + str("{:.12e}".format(alig)).ljust(30,' ') + "\n"

# write average angle between Efield(t) and the average Efield.
avgangle = np.average(angle_list)
stdevangle = np.std(angle_list)
outangle.write("#AVG: " + str("{:.2f}".format(avgangle)).rjust(6,' ') + " +- " + str("{:.2f}".format(stdevangle)).ljust(5,' '))

# write average Efield to the output file
avgfield = np.average(mag_list)
stdevfield = np.std(mag_list)
out.write("#AVG: " + str("{:.12e}".format(avgfield)).rjust(30,' ') + " +- " + str("{:.12e}".format(stdevfield)).ljust(30,' '))
# Calculate the average contribution of each residue throughout trajectory
# Calculate the average contribution of each residue to the total field
for r, comp in dict_res_total.items():
r = r.partition('_')[2] # ignore resname and keep resid
res_efield_x, res_efield_y, res_efield_z, resEfmag, resEfaligned = comp
Expand Down

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