A tool to send emails separately to multiple addresses automatized with Laravel.
This is an Open Source project. Feel free to contribute!
Run composer install
in the terminal
You can use the .env.example file and then change the following lines:
MAIL_DEFAULT_SUBJECT = [default_subject]
MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = [sender_email]
to your real data.
If you are using gmail, go to https://myaccount.google.com/security#connectedapps
Check the option Sign-in & security -> Connected apps & sites -> Allow less secure apps settings. Turn the option "Allow less secure apps" ON.
You can use and change the default template located in resources/view/templates
or create a new one in resources/views
If you created a custom template, modify the name in the app/Mail/TemplateMail.php
In the function build()
, replace the line
return $this->subject($subject)->from($senderEmail)->view('mail.template');
with return $this->subject($subject)->from($senderEmail)->view('mail.your-custom-template-name');
Find the file app/Https/SendController.php
and the function sendTemplateMail()
Replace the
$mails = [
"[email protected]",
with your actual email adresses.
Go to the route /view-template
in your app to see how the mail template will look.
Be aware of the fact that the emails are sent one by one, separately to each email address. So if you have a lot of addresses, it may take you a lot of time. Be patient, even after the page is no more loading, the mails might still be sent!
If you want to use multiple templates and multiple emails, you will have to specify the sender and subject for each of them, not use the defaults in the .env file
A: The receiver will se only his address, if you don't modify the code. If you wish the mail to be sent to multiple addresses, and everyone to see all the addresses, comment the following lines:
foreach ($mails as $mail) {
and the corresponding closing bracket.
Also, replace the line
Mail::to($mail)->send(new TemplateMail());
with Mail::to($mails)->send(new TemplateMail());
(The variable $mails is an array containing multiple addresses)
A: If some of the addresses are not correct, the mail will still be sent to other addresses, but you will see in your logs file the addresses that failed.
For more information, I would recommend you to read the following articles:
- https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/mail
- https://learninglaravel.net/learn-to-send-emails-using-gmail-and-sendgrid-in-laravel-5
- https://medium.com/@Oriechinedu/an-escape-route-to-problems-sending-email-using-gmail-smtp-in-php-laravel-4dd4c5e0533
- https://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/247/how-to-send-an-email-gmail-outlook-and-zoho-in-laravel