annosaurus 0.8.0
Added new endpoints for flexible queries:
- Retrieve annotations - POST
- Retrieve a count of the annotations that match the query
Both of these accept a json body that defines various constraints. Any of these constraints can be omitted. Full examples are:
"videoReferenceUuids": [
"concepts": [
"Aegina citrea"
"groups": [
"activities": [
"observers": [
"minDepth": 200,
"maxDepth": 300,
"minLatitude": 35.0,
"maxLatitude": 37.0,
"minLongitude": -122.7,
"maxLongitude": -122.0,
"minTimestamp": "1998-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"maxTimestamp": "2021-01-07T00:53:32.757470Z",
"linkName": "eating",
"linkValue": "nil",
"limit": 5000,
"offset": 0,
"data": true
"video_reference_uuids": [
"concepts": [
"Aegina citrea"
"groups": [
"activities": [
"observers": [
"min_depth": 200,
"max_depth": 300,
"min_latitude": 35.0,
"max_latitude": 37.0,
"min_longitude": -122.7,
"max_longitude": -122.0,
"min_timestamp": "1998-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"max_timestamp": "2021-01-07T00:53:32.757470Z",
"link_name": "eating",
"link_value": "nil",
"limit": 5000,
"offset": 0,
"data": true
The response will be JSON in the form like:
"query_constraints": {
"video_reference_uuids": [
"concepts": [
"Aegina citrea"
"observers": [
"groups": [
"activities": [
"min_depth": 200.0,
"max_depth": 300.0,
"min_timestamp": "1998-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"max_timestamp": "2021-01-07T00:53:32.757470Z",
"link_name": "eating",
"link_value": "nil",
"limit": 5000,
"offset": 0,
"data": true
"content": [
"ancillary_data": {
"oxygen_ml_l": 1.125,
"depth_meters": 299.3599853515625,
"latitude": 36.701864,
"temperature_celsius": 8.234999656677246,
"theta": 3.799999952316284,
"longitude": -122.050932,
"phi": -3.299999952316284,
"psi": 235.0,
"pressure_dbar": 303.1000061035156,
"salinity": 34.1609992980957,
"altitude": 78.11000061035156,
"light_transmission": 79.2699966430664,
"uuid": "c34c0113-3aaa-4648-a704-3472f3f0f42d"
"observation_uuid": "5281db41-5914-4929-a298-48de0d26782d",
"concept": "Physonectae",
"observer": "kwalz",
"observation_timestamp": "2013-11-25T19:52:38.957Z",
"video_reference_uuid": "43c8e033-eb22-4905-b39b-0a3e66a0075b",
"imaged_moment_uuid": "ab905fde-a8a1-4f23-b4bd-d28bf92a062e",
"timecode": "00:45:56:04",
"recorded_timestamp": "2013-11-08T15:11:58Z",
"group": "ROV",
"activity": "transect",
"associations": [
"link_name": "eating",
"link_value": "nil",
"to_concept": "Aegina",
"mime_type": "text/plain",
"uuid": "07a76fdb-11ff-437b-b2e4-4f7e312e806a"
"link_name": "comment",
"link_value": "wuzzle?",
"to_concept": "self",
"mime_type": "text/plain",
"uuid": "99fb539a-4578-46d2-aa8c-8a43e40e168f"
"image_references": []
Here's a an example using curl:
curl --header "Content-type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"concepts": ["Aegina", "Aegina citrea"], "link_name": "eating", "limit": 5000, "offset": 0, "data": true}' \
SQL expansion
Under the hood, concepts: ["Aegina", "Aegina citrea"]
is expanded to the SQL (observation.concept IN ('Aegina', 'Aegina citrea') OR association.to_concept IN ('Aegina', 'Aegina citrea')
{concept: ["Aegina"], link_name: "eating"}
is expanded to the SQL:
observation.concept IN ('Aegina') OR
association.to_concept IN ('Aegina')
AND association.link_name = "eating"
Min params like minDepth
are inclusive and so become AND ancillary_data.depth_meters >= minDepth
in SQL. Max params are exclusive, i.e. maxDepth becomes AND ancillary_data.depth_meters < maxDepth