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random civicon notes
People asked for second lernphase when the whole thing was done after 2nd q sort (5-6 people)
Grußwort CiviCon
Das beste Argument für Demokratie ist ein 5-tägiges Gespräch mit unseren Bürgerinnen und bürgern.
Ich will Ihnen ein Geheimnis verraten. [...] Wir lesen und schreiben Gedichte nicht nur so zum Spaß. Wir lesen und schreiben Gedichte, weil wir zu Spezies Mensch zählen, und die Spezies Mensch ist von Leidenschaft erfüllt; und Medizin, Jura, Wirtschaft und Technik sind zwar durchaus edle Ziele und auch notwendig; aber Poesie, Schönheit, Romantik, Liebe sind die Freuden unseres Lebens. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle Whitman zitieren, »Ich und mein Leben ... die immer wiederkehrenden Fragen, der endlose Zug der Ungläubigen, die Städte voller Narren. Wozu bin ich da? Wozu nützt dieses Leben? Die Antwort. Damit Du hier bist. Damit das Leben nicht zu Ende geht. Deine Individualität. Damit das Spiel der Mächte weiterbesteht und Du deinen Vers dazu beitragen kannst.« Damit das Spiel der Mächte weiterbesteht und Du deinen Vers dazu beitragen kannst. Was wird wohl Euer Vers sein?”
Hinweis auf das nächste Mal: Anmelden auf http://www.civicon.de
Weser Kurier Landwehr Rückruf 0421 36713610 / Block NDR Oldenburg maybe Taz Bremen interested, but understaffed
This IS teilnehmende Beobachtung
Weser Kurier Landwehr Rückruf 0421 36713610 / Block NDR Oldenburg maybe Taz Bremen interested, but understaffed Radio Bremen 4 maike evers Sat 1 Regionalfernsehen NDR4 Info 040 41560 3925 NDR Fernsehen Hallo Niedersachsen [email protected]
CiviCon speech notes
Apple commercial quote.
Das beste Argument für Demokratie ist ein 5-tägiges Gespräch mit unseren Bürgerinnen und bürgern.
Ich will Ihnen ein Geheimnis verraten. [...] Wir lesen und schreiben Gedichte nicht nur so zum Spaß. Wir lesen und schreiben Gedichte, weil wir zu Spezies Mensch zählen, und die Spezies Mensch ist von Leidenschaft erfüllt; und Medizin, Jura, Wirtschaft und Technik sind zwar durchaus edle Ziele und auch notwendig; aber Poesie, Schönheit, Romantik, Liebe sind die Freuden unseres Lebens. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle Whitman zitieren, »Ich und mein Leben ... die immer wiederkehrenden Fragen, der endlose Zug der Ungläubigen, die Städte voller Narren. Wozu bin ich da? Wozu nützt dieses Leben? Die Antwort. Damit Du hier bist. Damit das Leben nicht zu Ende geht. Deine Individualität. Damit das Spiel der Mächte weiterbesteht und Du deinen Vers dazu beitragen kannst.« Damit das Spiel der Mächte weiterbesteht und Du deinen Vers dazu beitragen kannst. Was wird wohl Euer Vers sein?”
Hinweis auf das nächste Mal: Anmelden auf http://www.civicon.de
kürzlich verstorbene Robin Williams
"Das beste Argument gegen die Demokratie ist ein fünfminütiges Gespräch mit dem durchschnittlichen Wähler.”
Wir sagen: das beste Argument für Demokratie ist ein fünftägiges Gespräch mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern wie Sie und ich.
Der Zweck von menschlicher Sprache ist...
civicon quote (for the incidence day): the curious task of economics is to ..
also: man works to live / live to work about the fischergleichnis böll story
Prof. Dr. Johannes Hackmann Seyedeckreihe 11 D-22043 Hamburg Tel.: 040/6523 775 Email: hackmann[at]unibw-hamburg.de
Gespräch Vogel Kleinunternehmern mit Karr Langezeit arbeitslos will bewusst nicht arbeiten, reden über wertschätzen
zitat: der mensch lebt um zu arbeiten
Kowalski radio bremen bremen1
0151 12711128
Freitag Abend 19:00
sonst Donnerstag
The german state university combines some of the worst of two worlds: the faddishness, senseless human churn and unfairness of markets, and the inefficiency, stupidity and inflexibility of state plans, all in an effort to regulate a crucial activity which can neither be planned, nor incentivised: human discovery.
With this, probably unindented, goes away any chance at genuine creativity. Decades from now, no one will remember these edited volumes.
Or maybe, in a more benign fashion, this is not an accident, but it is the plan; to colonise the always anarchic realm of academia, and to make sure that between all the drittmittelantrag, ha-reform etc. no actual criticism of the status quo will ever be formulated.
A good example of this are the research areas, trumpeted an an increasingly byzanthine network of webpages and interlinked institutions. For often than not, if you ask the participating researchers honestly, these labels are non-labels (and also impenetrable newspeak).
They serve no purpose other than to boggle up resources. In the best of cases, these researches will ignore their supposed research topic and continue as they otherwise would. In the worst case, they will actually squeeze their research interest into these topics, which – you don’t need to be a Foucault-reader to see it – always implies a political agenda.
This too, is policy-based evidence making.
So what is to be done?
get the state out of it, as much as possible. And don’t fool yourself into believing that quasi-market institutions work here.
They won’t.
Sure enough, scientists bear responsibility for the privilege they gain. But you can’t legislate or control that. You can hope that many academics will use some of the time to explain to the public what they’re doing.
And, as hard as that sounds, but we might just have to live with the fact that Science has a lot of unknown unknowns.
Engaging on that discovery, nonetheless, that’s a promise of modernity worth fighting for.
videoconference with facilitators
think through the didactics, do something tangible, where people can move, do stuff. maybe a ballet for the economic cycle, also something for tax base and schedule do a fishbowl after the learning phase, to harvest questions (“ich hab’ das so verstanden”) problematize (this is via Anne) models; they always only tell part of the story begin the first round by telling stories don’t explain more outside of groups: we’re doing this because we want to advance to the stuff that people can disagree on; not factual questions, those are the most interesting ones consider doing dinner outside get mic and speakers figure out a video or something else that will tease on people, make them think about this cc moderators do the press conference outside? do a fishbowl for a press conference get fruit for coffee breaks get a fireplace remember to work out
afraid of unemployed people
why are they so afraid? do they resent academia?
hate mail auf Facebook
Nicola Schöning Das ist doch totaler Quatsch, würde bedeuten ich habe umsonst drei Jahre tagein tagaus das "tolle" deutsche Steuerrecht gepaukt....ich hab zu der Zeit Urlaub, aber nach dem Stress ist mir meine Freizeit heilig, anstatt mir so einen Quatsch anzuhören...
you have to start somewhere, that’s pretty hard. You need trust, and some structure. That leads back to corporatism (as social capital, not as interest representation), and as harbingers of a sense of citizenship – and to social capital proper (people who know people).
It’s not even clear whether a proper random sample (say, by drawing from the books) would be that much better – maybe it would be, maybe not. Maybe it would lack the kind of public spiritness that this process selects for.
Also, this kind of recruitment is a lot more open – but systematically biased in many ways.
Good news: it also serves as its own PR; more people get to know about this thing, they had a chance to participate (which they would never have had if only random luck had chosen them).
Besides, it’s not clear that we need random sampling, maybe we need theoretical saturation, that might make more sense for Q method.
you have to start somewhere, that’s pretty hard. You need trust, and some structure. That leads back to corporatism (as social capital, not as interest representation), and as harbingers of a sense of citizenship – and to social capital proper (people who know people).
It’s not even clear whether a proper random sample (say, by drawing from the books) would be that much better – maybe it would be, maybe not. Maybe it would lack the kind of public spiritness that this process selects for.
Also, this kind of recruitment is a lot more open – but systematically biased in many ways.
Good news: it also serves as its own PR; more people get to know about this thing, they had a chance to participate (which they would never have had if only random luck had chosen them).
Besides, it’s not clear that we need random sampling, maybe we need theoretical saturation, that might make more sense for Q method.
Ideal: Citizen Scientists
this could be down for a longer period of time, maybe several weeks per year, and these people would return to their communities and be knowledge about some things in great detail.
It’s not so much about teaching these people what’s going on, but about making them ask their own questions – they become, rather than learn from scientists.
Oddly, these lay scientists may be the bests scientists all around; because they are pragmatic, and they are unencumbered by strategic considerations that all to often plague the modern economy.
DGB Telefonat
Mit Anette Düring, Regionsvorsitzende, hatte Email gelesen, war extrem aufgebracht, ärgerlich, sie hat kein Interesse daran. oh man, manchmal verstehe ich diese Welt einfach nicht. Ich habe beim DGB Bremen (endlich) jemanden telefonisch erreicht, und die Frau (Vorsitzende Bremen) war extrem aufgebracht, sie hätten an sowas kein Interesse, würden mir auch nicht sagen warum, und auf emails wie meine bräuchte sie auch nicht zu antworten.
Karlheinz Gerhold von der Finanzverwaltung Bremen würde gern mitmachen – als Experte?
Manfred Palm notes that more incremental formats (just a half day, then ask for more) might work better, and would like to see more concrete information on the brochure. Maybe needs longer brochure.
[email protected] (anonym) has some skepticism (see email), generally makes me wonder whether there are people who are just too angry and distrustful to participate, or whether they indeed have a point, as in:
- is this indoctrination?
- does this only attract like-minded people?
- shouldn't this be left to pluralism? (ha!)
Give n’ Take
I have added three example issues to maxheld83/samuelson
Please do not be confused by any changes in civicon/samuelson; there will be a lot.
For future uses/transparency, it would be great if we could keep the meta-communication (issues on github) etc. in english.
Uploaded the overview of all taxes to both STiNE and Google Drive
Uploaded Niemeyer2007
to STiNE (it’s been on google Drive already); this is the closest thing to a written formulation of the conception of deliberative democracy that undergirds this class, namely, that deliberative democracy “has occurred” if people display meta-consensus (they agree about the nature of choices in beliefs, values, preferences) and intersubjective rationality (people who have the same beliefs and values want the same preferences, and vice versa). Consider this merely a nice add-on, or maybe something you can go back to later in your studies; it’s in no way crucial for the writing task at hand here.
You asked for a presentation for the stuff I talked about in the first session; I do not have a presentation on that per se. I will upload whatever I sketched on the board (see below) and point you to the video and Niemeyer-2007 (see above). In any event, this was merely to set the scene, and will not be important for your writing.
Will schedule office hours in September. We’ll doodle that in early september.
Uploaded all the pictures I took in class to Google Drive and (as a zip) to STiNE.
You can find the formalities for the Hausarbeit-replacement-assignment as a milestone and description on github: https://github.com/maxheld83/samuelson/issues/milestones
You can find the substantive notes for the Hausarbeit-replacement-assignment as a README.md right in the main of github: https://github.com/maxheld83/samuelson . This replaces the traditional essay prompt or Aufgabenstellung.
You really, really, really should add issues before you start work, so I can comment on them and give you some (hopefully helpful) guidance.
You asked for some more documentation on the technology of github etc. Here it comes, in decreasing order of importance:
Github (this is the provider of git we’re using): https://guides.github.com
gitbook.io (this is the tool that translates folders full of markdown files into a webpage and other book formats): http://help.gitbook.io
Git (this is the open source version control system that runs underneath): http://git-scm.com
Atom (this is an open source editor for all kinds of files, including markdown, with handy git integration. Completely optional, but awesome: now also for windows: https://atom.io
This is a website with some tech links I wrote for another class I am teaching: https://github.com/BildungBegabung/emile/wiki/Technik
This is a workshop I am holding in the fall, covering github, gitbook etc, (might be too late for you guys): http://www.maxheld.de/i-heart-txt/
There seem to be several standards that might work for civicon sampling:
- Public relations and impact: you need a self-selected sample, and just a lot of ads. Self-selection raises awareness, because here, a self-selected sample, everyone could have applied
- Random sample undertaken by polling firm may be ideal for representativeness, but it might not raise awareness as much.
Whether society notices recruiting or not matters a great deal, not just to push deliberative democracy, but also simply to strengthen concept validity of the format, or make it externally valid. There needs to be something at stake; and that doesn't work in this case because there is no external mandate or actual decisions to be had, not a constitutional mandate anyway. The only thing you might have that matters is that people listen to the results, and find it important. That might need much more money and professional PR, maybe something an external foundation could pay for.
But it also matters for the research, because this raises the stakes and establishes concept validity.
Finally, ideally you won't need the PR strategy, because with a constitutional mandate, a civicon should "spin itself " – but that's not happening anytime soon. Civicon should probably be an independent format with some gravitas and an established brand before it enters into any formal relationship with the state, which may otherwise really interfere with its operation. Or maybe not? Maybe I am wrong about that.
I need a visualization that shows the demand for a good civicon Actually, you need a n argument why long, why complex civicon. Then you need the same thing for different civicon,s what gives them enough people, such as money, venue, PR. Which of these is important for the IMPACT factor and which for REPRESENTATIVESS of the sample (2x2 table anyone?)
Also notice the conundrum that for all practical intends and purposes it would be easier if I could make people sign people a paper that forces them to participate, and then to pay pack some money if they drop out at the last minute. But that would be completely unethical probably generally because of scientific informed consnet science ethics / experimental ethics: people must always be able to drop out without financial repercussions. This is especially so in this case, where there are audio and video recordings. So, no signing.
Generally, it seems hard to underestimate the psychological stress this might piut people under, including confronting their own economic situation. This will only become more challenging the more diverse the sample becomes.
optimal human groups -> https://github.com/civicon/civicon.github.io/issues/92
If you want a representative sample, as in a GSEOP-kind of sample, you might want to have huge incentives, especially if you want to attract poor, marginal people, busy people, with kids etc. The problem then is of course that people might participate not as a matter of a citizen right, or even privilege, but simply because they face outrageous incentives. (This might again mean to treat people as means, not as ends – compare strategic behavior as per Habermas). That might not be the best idea. So maybe, after all, you live with it not being representative – just like in elections: there is a huge non-particiupation. The standard, of course, must be that it must be plausibly possible for everyone to participate. I have to really be careful here not to construe the format in a way (such as 2 weeks, sleep in communal haousing, enjoy bbq together etc) that the format attracts a certain kind of people, but not others, maybe because it's too intimate for them or just too plain long. It must not be infeasible for others. That is a very delecate balance. Obviously the standards for elections is very low: it does not ask a lof citizens, but a civicon well might.
we need discrete choices for a CiviCon, otherwise we're all over the place, but it needs to be a choice that is relevantly abstract
Schumpermas are Max Helds drafts on taxation and democracy, including his dissertation at BIGSSS.