Tags: mawtex/C1-CMS
Toggle v5.0's commit message
Fixed Orckestra#65 Malformed short URL crash page generation
Toggle v5.0-beta.1's commit message
Bugfix 5217 The last field box not fully visible in the Data Type editor
Toggle v4.3's commit message
Form xml for publishable data items - removing "__PublicationStatus__…
…" and renaming "___PublicationStatusOptions___" -> "PublicationStatusOptions"
Toggle v4.2-update.1's commit message
Bugfix 4718 CRITICAL: Pages get unsaved occasionally with being edited
Toggle v4.2's commit message
Build script: updating compiled *.css and *.js files
Toggle v4.1's commit message
Fixing 4550: WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptReso…
…urceMapping for 'jquery'
Toggle v4.0's commit message
Toggle v3.2's commit message
Fixing #3926 - crach boom if use do "Add Page" and positioning = sele…
…ct position and Next.
Toggle v3.1's commit message
Hotfix for bad url characters in folder paths
Toggle v3.0's commit message
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