A collection of scripts that leverage the Palo Alto Networks device API to perform various management tasks.
- Palo Alto: Tested on PAN-OS 8.1.x
- Python: Python 3 required
- pandevice
- xmltodict
: A Python script that prints to screen a list of Panorama-connected firewall clusters that currently show their high-availability configuration synchronisation status as out-of-sync.master_key_status.py
: A Python script that outputs to csv a report detailing the master key status/properties (e.g. time to expiry, etc.) of Panorama-connected firewall devices.convert_usergroups_pan.py
: A Python script that utilises a legacy to LDAP group mapping csv as input and converts user groups found within user-based security policies in a specified Panorama device-group based on this mapping (useful for when migrating user-based security policy from one vendor to Palo Alto and the original legacy groups remain in the migrated policy output by Expedition).validate_usergrous_pan.py
: A Python script that validates whether user groups found within user-based security policies in a specified Panorama device-group have a corresponding group-mapping entry on a specified firewall device (useful if verifying policy held in a Panorama instance that does not manage the intended firewall recipient of the policy - if the Panorama instance does manage the intended firewall recipient, you can set the firewall as the master device for the device group to validate user-based policies).
Run python <script_name>.py --help
for required script input arguments.