Downloads historical data from interactive brokers and builds a data file useful for subsequent back-test
By RobustTechHouse
##Java Logic## The Java class generates in desired path a series of data files in reverse chronological order eg
1.txt => most recent data
2.txt => next most recent data
... etc
##Python Logic## The Python script takes the Java class output files and creates one contiguous data file in chronological order
##Useful References##
Historical Data Limitations:
List of IB currencies:
Sample code to request data:
Sample code:
##Sample IB Historical Request Format For Reference##
Symbol: USD
Security Type: CASH
Exchange: IDEALPRO
Primary Exchange: IDEALPRO
Currency: JPY
End Date/Time: 20150326 07:46:46 GMT
Duration: 1 D, another eg could be 14400 S
Bar Size Setting: 1 min
What to Show: BID/ASK
Regular Trading Hours: 1
Date Format Style: 1