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MATTR Wallet SDK React Native / Exports


Table of Contents


  • Manage local DIDs
  • DIDComm messsaging
  • Validate a DID to domain linkage
  • Retrieve credentials over OpenID4VCI
  • Retrieve credentials over OIDC Bridge
  • Verify and present web semantic credentials
  • Verify compact credentials
  • Verify compact semantic credentials
  • Hold, verify and present mobile credentials

High level overview

High Level

Getting started

How to get access to MATTR Pi Wallet SDK

To gain access to the MATTR Pi Wallet SDK, please follow these steps:

  1. Request or download the "Terms of Agreement".
  2. Read the "Terms of Agreement", sign it, and return it to us.
  3. Create an account at NPMJS - Node package manager for JavaScript.
  4. Ensure multi-factor authentication (MFA) is configured on NPMJS Account.
  5. Create a personal access token Create a personal access token.
  6. Supply the NPMJS (Node package manager for JavaScript) account name back to MATTR.
  7. MATTR will process the request and provision access to the MATTR Pi Wallet SDK if approved.

Please reach out to us in case you need any assistance Get in touch.

Install dependencies

Add this SDK as a dependency to the react native app:

yarn add @mattrglobal/wallet-sdk-react-native

The SDK relies on a set of peer dependencies that contain native libraries and iOS pods. With React Native >=0.60 these dependencies will be autolinked.

Install the peer dependencies:

yarn add [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] @mattrglobal/[email protected] [email protected] @mattrglobal/[email protected] @mattrglobal/[email protected]

Note: we tested with react-native 0.71.12

React Native <0.60

Please see the specific instructions for each dependency regarding linking prior to React Native 0.60.

Android only

Make sure the following repository is included under android/build.gradle allprojects.repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

iOS only

Add the pod for bbs-signatures to the podfile in ios/Podfile:

  pod 'bbs-signatures', :git => ''

Run pod install:

cd ios && pod install

Add arm64 to all profiles under: xcode -> Build Settings -> Excluded Architectures -> Any iOS Simulator SDK, it should show the following changes under xxx.xcodeproj for each of the profiles

"EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]" = arm64;

If your app was initially created with [email protected].* or older you may need to change update your ios/*.xcodeproj configuration.

Any reference of the DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING flag must be removed or set to YES, this is required to maintain compatibility for the newer & older versions of react-native.




Initialise a wallet instance

import { initialise } from "@mattrglobal/wallet-sdk-react-native";

const initialiseWalletResult = await initialise();

if (initialiseWalletResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from initialiseWalletResult.error

const wallet = initialiseWalletResult.value;

It's possible to maintain multiple isolated wallet instances too. This can be achieved by using a different walletId during initialisation. Note that in this case, you must close the current wallet instance before initialising a new one with a different walletId.

import { initialise } from "@mattrglobal/wallet-sdk-react-native";

// to use wallet1
const initialiseWallet1Result = await initialise({ walletId: "id1" });

if (initialiseWallet1Result.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from initialiseWalletResult.error
const wallet1 = initialiseWallet1Result.value;

// to use wallet2
await wallet1.close();
const initialiseWallet2Result = await initialise({ walletId: "id2" });
const wallet2 = initialiseWallet1Result.value;

Destroy the wallet

Note: you must close the wallet instance that is currently initialised before calling destroy, otherwise an exception will be thrown.

import { destroy } from "@mattrglobal/wallet-sdk-react-native";

await destroy({ walletId });

Retrieving credentials via OpenID4VCI

Discover credential offer details via offer URI

 * openid-credential-offer://?credential_offer=encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ credential_issuer, credentials: [{credentialId}], request_parameters? }))
const uri =

const discoveryResult = await;
if (discoveryResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from discoveryResult.error
const { offer } = discoveryResult.value;

Or construct offer manually

const offer: OpenidIssuanceCredentialOffer = {
  issuer: "",
  authorizeEndpoint: "",
  tokenEndpoint: "",
  credentialEndpoint: "",
  credentials: [
      profile: "web-semantic",
      scope: "ldp_vc:UniversityDegreeCredential",
      credentialDefinition: {
        "@context": [""],
        type: ["VerifiableCredential", "UniversityDegreeCredential"],

Configure OAuth client id and redirect uri

const clientId = "myAppClientId";
const redirectUri = "myapp://credentials/callback";

Generate an authorization url and open in a web browser

import { Linking } from "react-native";

const generateAuthorizeUrlResult = await wallet.openid.issuance.generateAuthorizeUrl({ offer, clientId, redirectUri });

if (generateAuthorizeUrlResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from generateAuthorizeUrlResult.error

const { url, codeVerifier } = generateAuthorizeUrlResult.value;
await Linking.openURL(url);

Handle authorization success callback


Retrieve token

const retrieveTokenResult = await wallet.openid.issuance.retrieveToken({
  code: route.params.code, // code comes authorization success callback above

if (retrieveTokenResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from retrieveTokenResult.error

const { accessToken } = retrieveTokenResult.value;

Retrieve credentials

const retrieveCredentialsResult = await wallet.openid.issuance.retrieveCredentials({

retrieveCredentialsResult.forEach((credentialOfferResult) => {
  if ("error" in credentialOfferResult) {
    const { offer, error } = credentialOfferResult;

    // Handle error from retrieveCredentialsResult.error
  } else {
    const { offer, result } = credentialOfferResult;

Retrieving credentials via OIDC Bridge

Discover OIDC credential offer

const discoverResult = await"openid://discovery?issuer=");

if (discoverResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from discoverResult.error

const { offer } = discoverResult.value;

Create a local subject DID for the credential

const createDidResult = await wallet.did.createDid();

if (createDidResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from createDidResult.error

const { did } = createDidResult.value;

Generate an OpenID authorization url to request the credential

import { Linking } from "react-native";

const genUrlResult = await wallet.oidc.generateAuthorizeUrl({ offer, did });

if (genUrlResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from genUrlResult.error

const { url, codeVerifier, nonce } = genUrlResult.value;
await Linking.openURL(url);

Retrieve the credential on authorization success callback

const retrieveResult = (retrieveCredential = await wallet.oidc.retrieveCredential({
  code: route.params.code, // code comes from part of the callback url

if (retrieveResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from retrieveResult.error

const { credential } = retrieveResult.value;

DIDComm message

Resolve a didcomm message from a didcomm URI

const resolveDidCommUriResult = await wallet.did.messaging.resolveDidCommUri(uri);
if (resolveDidCommUriResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from resolveDidCommUriResult.error
const message = resolveDidCommUriResult.value;

Open a didcomm message that are signed or encrypted

import { isPresentationRequestJwm } from "wallet-sdk-react-native";
const openResult = await wallet.did.messaging.openDidCommMessage(message);
if (openResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from openResult.error

Web Semantic Credential

Verify a Web Semantic credential

const verifyResult = await wallet.credential.webSemantic.verifyCredential({ credential });

if (verifyResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from verifyResult.error

const { credentialVerified, status } = verifyResult.value;

Parse a presentation request (DIDComm message)

import { isPresentationRequestJwm } from "wallet-sdk-react-native";
const openResult = await wallet.did.messaging.openDidCommMessage(message);

if (openResult.isErr() || !isPresentationRequestJwm(openResult.value)) {

const presentationRequest = openResult.value;

Look up for matching credentials of a presentation request

const credentialData = [
  { id: "a", credential: credentailA },
  { id: "b", credential: credentailB },

const filterResult = await wallet.credential.webSemantic.filterCredentialsByQuery({
  credentials: credentialData,
  // Note that only the presentation request body should contain single query only, under the same query could contain multiple sub queries.
  query: presentationRequest.body.query[0],

Create and send a presentation response for a presenation request

const createPresentationResult = await wallet.credential.webSemantic.createPresentation({
  challenge: presentationRequest.body.challenge,
  domain: presentationRequest.body.domain,
  holder: did,

if (createPresentationResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from createPresentationResult.error

const presentaiton = createPresentationResult.value;
const sendPresentationResult = await wallet.credential.webSemantic.sendPresentationResponse({

Compact Credential

Verify a compact credential

const credentialPayload = "CSC:/1/....";
const verifyResult = await wallet.credential.compact.verifyCredential({ payload: credentialPayload });

if (verifyResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from verifyResult.error

if (result.value.verified) {
  const { payload } = result.value;
} else {
  const { reason } = result.value;

Compact Semantic Credential

Verify a compact semantic credential

const credentialPayload = "CSS:/1/....";
const verifyResult = await wallet.credential.compactSemantic.verifyCredential({ payload: credentialPayload });

if (verifyResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from verifyResult.error

if (result.value.verified) {
  const { payload } = result.value;
} else {
  const { reason } = result.value;

Mobile Credential

@mattrglobal/wallet-sdk-react-native does not come in mobile credential support by default. To enable the mobile credential feature, an additional peer dependency @mattrglobal/mobile-credential-holder-react-native is needed. Install the following dependency in your app.

NOTE: mobile credential presentation utilise Bluetooth connection. For iOS make sure the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription and NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription description are configured inside Info.plist.

yarn add @mattrglobal/[email protected]

include the mobile credential holder extension during initialisation

import { initialise } from "@mattrglobal/wallet-sdk-react-native";
import MobileCredentialHolder from "@mattrglobal/mobile-credential-holder-react-native";

await initialise({ extensions: [MobileCredentialHolder], walletId });

the same extension is also required while destoying an wallet instance too

import { destroy } from "@mattrglobal/wallet-sdk-react-native";
import MobileCredentialHolder from "@mattrglobal/mobile-credential-holder-react-native";

await destroy({ extensions: [MobileCredentialHolder], walletId });

With the mobile credential holder extension, the SDK will be able to retrieve mobile credentials over OpenID4VCI.

import { CredentialProfileSupported } from "@mattrglobal/wallet-sdk-react-native";
const retrieveCredentialsResult = await wallet.openid.issuance.retrieveCredentials({
  offer, // offer that contains mobile credentials

retrieveCredentialsResult.forEach((credentialOfferResult) => {
  if ("error" in credentialOfferResult) {
    const { offer, error } = credentialOfferResult;
    // Handle error from retrieveCredentialsResult.error
  } else {
    const { offer, result } = credentialOfferResult;
    if (result.profile === CredentialProfileSupported.Mobile) {
      const credentialId = result.credentialId;

The SDK manages the storage of any retrieved mobile credential. They will be accessible via the following mobile credential functions.

// Get a mobile credential
const getCredentialResult = await;

// Get all mobile credentials
const getCredentialsResult = await;

// Delete a mobile credential

The SDK only accept a mobile credential that can be verified successsfully by the trusted issuer certificates. The trusted issuer certificates list can be managed directly with the following functions

// Add new trusted issuer certificates

// Get all trusted certificates
const certificates = await;

// Rmove one of the trusted issuer certificate

You may also instruct the SDK to automatically download and add certificates if it's discoverable via the openid credential issuer metadata into the trusted list while retrieving a mobile credential via OpenID4VCI.

const retrieveCredentialsResult = await wallet.openid.issuance.retrieveCredentials({
  offer, // offer that contains mobile credentials
  autoTrustMobileCredentialIaca: true, // enable auto trust

Mobile credential support presenting credential to a verifier device via bluetooth. The following example is how you could start and response to a credential presenation request from a verifier device.

NOTE: Only one presentation session is allowed at a time, you must terminate the current session if you want to start a new one.

NOTE: When a request is received, you must response to it before a new request can come in in the same session.

// start a new presentation session
const createPresentationSessionResult = await{
  onRequestReceived: (data) => {
    // request received with error
    if ("error" in data) {
      const { error } = data;

    const requests = data.request;{ request, matchedCredentials }) => {
      // obtain each request with matching credentials in the mobile credential store
  onConnected: (data: unknown) => {
    // presentation session is connected
  onSessionTerminated: (data: unknown) => {
    // presentation session is terminated

if (createPresentationSessionResult.isErr()) {
  // handle error creating presentation session

const { deviceEngagement } = createPresentationSessionResult.value;
// Render device engagement string on a QRCode. A verifier app should scan and use it to establish the presentation session with this holder.

// ....

// construct and send a presentation response with the selected credentials
await{ credentialIds });

// ...

// terminate the session

Error handling

Functions that are expected to have an error path return a Neverthrow Result type that represents either success (Ok) or failure (Err).

Although this pattern is more verbose, it encourages the handling of possibly errors and reserves throwing exceptions for truly exceptional situations.

import { initialise } from "@mattrglobal/wallet-sdk-react-native";

const initialiseWalletResult = await initialise();

if (initialiseWalletResult.isErr()) {
  // Handle error from initialiseWalletResult.error

const wallet = initialiseWalletResult.value;


A utility function is provided for convenience if you decide not to handle your errors as results. This function will simply throw an error if the function passed in returns a Result where Resut.isErr() is true.

import { unwrap } from "@mattrglobal/wallet-sdk-react-native";

try {
  const wallet = unwrap(await initialise());
} catch (error) {
  // Handle thrown error


See here for licence information


No packages published

Contributors 4
