A Clojure library for all things hypermedia.
- Create hypermedia resources
- Marshal to and from JSON, or a map
- Navigate JSON+HAL APIs
With Halboy you can create resources, and pull information from them.
(require '[halboy.resource :as hal])
(def my-resource
(-> (hal/new-resource {:href "/orders/123"})
(hal/add-link :creator {:href "/users/rob"})
(hal/add-resource :discount (-> (hal/new-resource {:href "/discounts/1256"})
(hal/add-property :discount-percentage 10)))
(hal/add-resource :items [(-> (hal/new-resource {:href "/items/534"})
(hal/add-property :price 25.48))])
(hal/add-property :state :dispatching)))
(hal/get-link my-resource :self)
; { :href "/orders/123" }
(hal/get-href my-resource :creator)
; "/users/rob"
(hal/get-property my-resource :state)
; :dispatching
(-> (hal/get-resource my-resource :discount)
(hal/get-property :discount-percentage))
; 10
(-> (hal/get-resource my-resource :items)
(hal/get-property :price))
; 25.48
You can also marshal your hal resources to and from maps, or JSON.
(require '[halboy.resource :as hal])
(require '[halboy.json :as haljson])
(def my-resource
(-> (hal/new-resource {:href "/orders/123"})
(hal/add-link :creator {:href "/users/rob"})
(hal/add-resource :items (-> (hal/new-resource {:href "/items/534"})
(hal/add-property :price 25.48)))
(hal/add-property :state :dispatching)))
(haljson/resource->map my-resource)
; { :_links { :self { :href "/orders/123" },
; :creator { :href "/users/rob" } },
; :_embedded {:items { :_links { :self { :href "/items/534" } },
; :price 25.48 } },
; :state :dispatching }
(haljson/resource->json my-resource)
; Formatted in these docs only.
; {
; \"_links\": {
; \"self\": {
; \"href\": \"/orders/123\"
; },
; \"creator\": {
; \"href\": \"/users/rob\"
; }
; },
; \"_embedded\": {
; \"items\": {
; \"_links\": {
; \"self\": {
; \"href\": \"/items/534\"
; }
; },
; \"price\": 25.48
; }
; },
; \"state\": \"dispatching\"
; }
(-> (haljson/resource->json my-resource)
(hal/get-href :self))
; "/orders/123"
Provided you're calling a HAL+JSON API, you can discover the API and navigate
through its links. When you've found what you want, you call
and you get a plain old HAL resource, which you can inspect
using any of the methods above.
(require '[halboy.resource :as hal])
(require '[halboy.navigator :as navigator])
; GET / - 200 OK
; {
; "_links": {
; "self": {
; "href": "/"
; },
; "users": {
; "href": "/users"
; },
; "user": {
; "href": "/users/{id}",
; "templated": true
; }
; }
(def users-result
(-> (navigator/discover "https://api.example.com/")
(navigator/get :users))
(navigator/status users-result)
; 200
(navigator/location users-result)
; "https://api.example.com/users"
(-> (navigator/discover "https://api.example.com/")
(navigator/get :user {:id "rob"})
; "https://api.example.com/users/rob"
(def sue-result
(-> (navigator/discover "https://api.example.com/")
(navigator/post :users {:id "sue" :name "Sue" :title "Dev"}))
(navigator/location sue-result)
; "https://api.example.com/users/sue"
(-> (navigator/resource sue-result)
(hal/get-property :title))
; "Dev"
I'm happy to receive and go through feedback, bug reports, and pull requests.
If you need to contact me, my email is jimmy[at]jimmythompson.co.uk.
To run the tests:
$ lein test