This project provides all the generic bits of a cloud foundry service broker so you can just implement your specifics. It provides a functioning API and base classes that implement all core features. To implement a functioning broker you need to create a class with your specific provisioning methods, then the core broker will automatically handle asynchronous provisioning and all error messaging.
First we need to get a local copy working:
# git clone
# cd cf-service-broker/
# mkvirtualenv --python=`which python3` --no-site-packages cf-service-broker
# workon cf-service-broker
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# export PYTHONPATH=./cf-service-broker/
# nosetests
Ran 5 tests in 0.118s
Now we can look in test/ to see how to make a simple service broker. Here's the interface:
def create_instance(self, instance_id, plan, parameters, organization_guid, space_guid):
raise NotImplementedError
def modify_instance(self, instance_id, plan, parameters, previous_values):
raise NotImplementedError
def bind(self, instance_id, binding_id, plan_id, app_guid, parameters):
raise NotImplementedError
def unbind(self, instance_id, binding_id, plan_id):
raise NotImplementedError
And here's the minimal service implementation used for basic testing:
class TestService(service.BaseService):
def _filename(self, instance_id):
return "/tmp/"+instance_id
def create_instance(self, instance_id, plan, parameters, organization_guid, space_guid):
with open(self._filename(instance_id), 'w+') as f:
return service.BaseServiceInstance(plan, parameters)
def bind(self, instance_id, binding_id, plan_id, app_guid, parameters):
creds = {"file": self._filename(instance_id)}
return creds
def unbind(self, instance_id, binding_id, plan_id):