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nondecreasing functions have a countable number of discontinuities (#…
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* nondecreasing functions have a countable number of discontinuities

Co-authored-by: IshiguroYoshihiro <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Cyril Cohen <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Feb 5, 2025
1 parent 1191572 commit 212fca4
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Showing 6 changed files with 330 additions and 5 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,15 @@
+ lemmas `ler0_derive1_nincry`, `ger0_derive1_ndecry`,
`ler0_derive1_nincrNy`, `ger0_derive1_ndecrNy`
+ lemmas `ltr0_derive1_decr`, `gtr0_derive1_incr`
- in `mathcomp_extra.v`:
+ lemmas `size_filter_gt0`, `ltr_sum`, `ltr_sum_nat`

- in `classical_sets.v`:
+ lemma `itv_sub_in2`

- in `realfun.v`:
+ definition `discontinuity`
+ lemmas `nondecreasing_fun_sum_le`, `discontinuty_countable`

### Changed

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion classical/cardinality.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ move=> /finite_setP[m Am]; rewrite (card_fset_set Am).
by rewrite (card_le_eqr Am) card_le_II.

Lemma infinite_set_fset {T : choiceType} (A : set T) (n : nat) :
Lemma infinite_set_fset {T : choiceType} (A : set T) n :
infinite_set A ->
exists2 B : {fset T}, [set` B] `<=` A & (#|` B| >= n)%N.
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions classical/classical_sets.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -465,6 +465,11 @@ Lemma nat_nonempty : [set: nat] !=set0. Proof. by exists 1%N. Qed.

#[global] Hint Resolve nat_nonempty : core.

Lemma itv_sub_in2 d (T : porderType d) (P : T -> T -> Prop) (i j : interval T) :
[set` j] `<=` [set` i] ->
{in i &, forall x y, P x y} -> {in j &, forall x y, P x y}.
Proof. by move=> ji + x y xj yj; apply; exact: ji. Qed.

Lemma preimage_itv T d (rT : porderType d) (f : T -> rT) (i : interval rT) (x : T) :
((f @^-1` [set` i]) x) = (f x \in i).
Proof. by rewrite inE. Qed.
Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions classical/mathcomp_extra.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -588,3 +588,28 @@ rewrite mulr_ile1 ?andbT//.
by have := xs01 x; rewrite inE xs orbT => /(_ _)/andP[].
by rewrite ih// => e xs; rewrite xs01// in_cons xs orbT.

(* TODO: move to ssrnum *)

Lemma size_filter_gt0 T P (r : seq T) : (size (filter P r) > 0)%N = (has P r).
Proof. by elim: r => //= x r; case: ifP. Qed.

Lemma ltr_sum [R : numDomainType] [I : Type] (r : seq I)
[P : pred I] [F G : I -> R] :
has P r ->
(forall i : I, P i -> F i < G i) ->
\sum_(i <- r | P i) F i < \sum_(i <- r | P i) G i.
rewrite -big_filter -[ltRHS]big_filter -size_filter_gt0.
case: filter (filter_all P r) => //= x {}r /andP[Px Pr] _ ltFG.
rewrite !big_cons ltr_leD// ?ltFG// -(all_filterP Pr) !big_filter.
by rewrite ler_sum => // i Pi; rewrite ltW ?ltFG.

Lemma ltr_sum_nat [R : numDomainType] [m n : nat] [F G : nat -> R] :
(m < n)%N -> (forall i : nat, (m <= i < n)%N -> F i < G i) ->
\sum_(m <= i < n) F i < \sum_(m <= i < n) G i.
move=> lt_mn i; rewrite big_nat [ltRHS]big_nat ltr_sum//.
by apply/hasP; exists m; rewrite ?mem_index_iota leqnn lt_mn.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions theories/lebesgue_measure.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2824,7 +2824,7 @@ have {}EBr2 : \esum_(i in E) mu (closure (B i)) <=
have finite_set_F i : finite_set (F i).
apply: contrapT.
pose M := `|ceil ((r%:num + 2) *+ 2 / (1 / (2 ^ i.+1)%:R))|.+1.
move/(infinite_set_fset M) => [/= C] CsubFi McardC.
move/(infinite_set_fset M) => [/= C CsubFi McardC].
have MC : (M%:R * (1 / (2 ^ i.+1)%:R))%:E <=
mu (\bigcup_(j in [set` C]) closure (B j)).
rewrite (measure_bigcup _ [set` C])//; last 2 first.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3185,7 +3185,7 @@ have {}Hc : mu (\bigcup_(k in G) closure (B k) `\`
by rewrite lteBlDr-?lteBlDl//; exact: muGSfin.
have bigBG_fin (r : {posnum R}) : finite_set (bigB G r%:num).
pose M := `|ceil (fine (mu O) / r%:num)|.+1.
apply: contrapT => /infinite_set_fset /= /(_ M)[G0 G0G'r] MG0.
apply: contrapT => /infinite_set_fset /= /(_ M)[G0 G0G'r MG0].
have : mu O < mu (\bigcup_(k in bigB G r%:num) closure (B k)).
apply: (@lt_le_trans _ _ (mu (\bigcup_(k in [set` G0]) closure (B k)))).
rewrite bigcup_fset measure_fbigsetU//=; last 2 first.
Expand Down
290 changes: 288 additions & 2 deletions theories/realfun.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrint ssrnum archimedean.
From mathcomp Require Import matrix interval zmodp vector fieldext falgebra.
From mathcomp Require Import finmap.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality ereal reals signed.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality contra ereal reals signed.
From mathcomp Require Import topology prodnormedzmodule tvs normedtype derive.
From mathcomp Require Import sequences real_interval.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,12 +36,16 @@ From mathcomp Require Import sequences real_interval.
(* *)
(* ``` *)
(* *)
(* * Limit superior and inferior for functions: *)
(* Limit superior and inferior for functions: *)
(* ``` *)
(* lime_sup f a/lime_inf f a == limit sup/inferior of the extended real- *)
(* valued function f at point a *)
(* ``` *)
(* *)
(* Discontinuities: *)
(* ``` *)
(* discontinuity f r == r is a discontinuity of function f *)
(* ``` *)

Set Implicit Arguments.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2586,3 +2590,285 @@ apply/continuous_within_itvP => //; split.

End variation_continuity.

Definition discontinuity {R : realType} (f : R -> R) (r : R) :=
[/\ cvg (f x @[x --> r^'-]),
cvg (f x @[x --> r^'+]) &
lim (f x @[x --> r^'-]) != lim (f x @[x --> r^'+]) ].

Section discontinuity_countable.
Context {R : realType}.
Variables (a b : R) (F : R -> R).
Hypothesis ndF : {in `[a, b] &, nondecreasing_fun F}.

Let Fr z := lim (F x @[x --> z^'+]).
Let Fl z := lim (F x @[x --> z^'-]).

Lemma nondecreasing_fun_sum_le (s : seq R) :
itv_partition a b s ->
\sum_(1 <= i < size s) (Fr (nth b (a :: s) i) - Fl (nth b (a :: s) i))
<= F b - F a.
move=> abs; have [s0|s0] := eqVneq s [::].
by move: abs; rewrite s0/= big_nil => /itv_partition_nil ->; rewrite subrr.
have [s' ss'b] : exists s', s = rcons s' b.
move: s abs s0; apply: last_ind => // s x ih [_ +] sx0.
by move/eqP; rewrite last_rcons => <-; exists s.
pose x_ : R^nat := nth b (a :: s).
set t := map (fun n => (x_ n + x_ n.+1) / 2) (iota 0%N (size s)).
have [path_at sizets asts] : [/\ path <%R a t, size t = size s &
(forall k, (k < size s)%N -> nth b (a :: s) k < nth b t k < nth b s k)].
- apply/(pathP b) => -[|n].
+ rewrite [in X in X -> _]size_map [in X in X -> _]size_iota => {}s0/=.
rewrite /t ss'b size_rcons/= midf_lt// -[a]/(nth b (a :: s) 0%N).
by have /pathP := abs.1; exact.
+ rewrite [in X in X -> _]size_map [in X in X -> _]size_iota => ns/=.
rewrite !(nth_map 0%N) ?size_iota//; last exact: (leq_trans _ ns).
rewrite !nth_iota// ?add0n; last exact: (leq_trans _ ns).
rewrite (@lt_trans _ _ (x_ n.+1))// midf_lt//.
by have /pathP := abs.1; apply; exact: (leq_trans _ ns).
by have /pathP := abs.1; exact.
- by rewrite size_map size_iota.
- move=> k ks; apply/andP; split.
rewrite (nth_map 0%N) ?size_iota// nth_iota// add0n midf_lt//.
by have /pathP := abs.1; exact.
rewrite (nth_map 0%N _ (fun n => (x_ n + x_ n.+1) / 2)) ?size_iota//.
rewrite nth_iota// add0n midf_lt//.
by have /pathP := abs.1; exact.
pose y_ : R^nat := nth b (a :: t).
have ast k : (k < size s)%N -> nth b (a :: s) k < nth b t k.
by move=> /asts /andP[].
have ts k : (k < size s)%N -> nth b t k < nth b s k by move=> /asts /andP[].
have yxl i : (0 < i)%N -> (i < size (a :: s))%N -> F (y_ i) <= Fl (x_ i).
move=> i0 ias; apply: limr_ge.
- have near_subab : \forall x \near (x_ i)^'-, `]x, (x_ i)[ `<=` `[a, b].
near=> x; apply: subset_itvW; last exact: itv_partition_nth_le.
near: x; apply: nbhs_left_ge.
rewrite -[a]/(x_ 0%N).
move: abs.1.
by rewrite lt_path_pairwise => /pairwiseP; exact.
apply: nondecreasing_at_left_is_cvgr.
by near do apply: itv_sub_in2 ndF.
near=> x.
exists (F b) => _ /= [z zxxi <-].
apply: ndF.
+ by move: z zxxi; near: x.
+ by rewrite in_itv/= lexx andbT (itv_partition_le abs).
+ move: zxxi; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP [_ /ltW] /le_trans; apply.
exact: itv_partition_nth_le.
- near=> x; apply: ndF.
+ rewrite in_itv/=; apply/andP; split.
have /allP := lt_path_min path_at; apply.
by rewrite /y_ /= -(prednK i0)/= mem_nth// prednK// sizets.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (x_ i)); last exact: itv_partition_nth_le.
by rewrite ltW// -(prednK i0)/= ts// prednK.
+ rewrite in_itv/=; apply/andP; split.
* near: x; apply: nbhs_left_ge.
have /allP := lt_path_min abs.1; apply.
by rewrite /x_ -(prednK i0)/= mem_nth// prednK.
* by rewrite (@le_trans _ _ (x_ i))//; exact: itv_partition_nth_le.
+ near: x; apply: nbhs_left_ge.
by rewrite -(prednK i0)/= ts// prednK.
have xry i : (0 < i)%N -> (i < size s)%N -> Fr (x_ i) <= F (y_ i.+1).
move=> i0 ilts; apply: limr_le.
- apply: nondecreasing_at_right_is_cvgr.
+ near=> x; apply: (@itv_sub_in2 _ _ _ `[a, b]) ndF.
apply: subset_itvW.
by apply: itv_partition_nth_ge (abs); rewrite ltnS ltnW.
near: x; apply: nbhs_right_le.
apply: (@lt_le_trans _ _ (y_ i.+1)); first exact: ast.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (x_ i.+1)); first exact/ltW/ts.
exact: itv_partition_nth_le.
+ near=> x.
exists (F (x_ i)) => _/= [z + <-] => /[!in_itv]/= /andP[xiz zx].
apply: ndF; last exact: ltW.
* rewrite in_itv/=; apply/andP; split.
by apply: itv_partition_nth_ge (abs); exact: (ltn_trans ilts).
by apply: itv_partition_nth_le (abs); exact: (ltn_trans ilts).
* rewrite in_itv/=; apply/andP; split.
apply: le_trans (ltW xiz).
apply: itv_partition_nth_ge (abs).
exact: (ltn_trans ilts).
apply: (le_trans (ltW zx)).
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (x_ i.+1)) => //.
near: x; apply: nbhs_right_le.
by have /pathP := abs.1; exact.
by apply: itv_partition_nth_le (abs); exact: ilts.
- near=> x; apply: ndF.
+ rewrite in_itv/=; apply/andP; split.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (x_ i)) => //.
by apply: itv_partition_nth_ge (abs); exact: (@leq_trans (size s)).
near: x; apply: nbhs_right_le.
apply: (@lt_le_trans _ _ (x_ i.+1)); last exact: itv_partition_nth_le.
by have /pathP := abs.1; exact.
+ rewrite in_itv/=; apply/andP; split.
rewrite ltW//.
have /allP := lt_path_min path_at; apply.
by apply: mem_nth; rewrite sizets.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (x_ i.+1)); first exact/ltW/ts.
exact: itv_partition_nth_le.
- by near: x; apply: nbhs_right_le; exact: ast.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (\sum_(1 <= i < size s) (F (y_ i.+1) - F (y_ i)))).
rewrite big_nat_cond [leRHS]big_nat_cond; apply: ler_sum => n.
rewrite andbT => /andP[n0 ns].
by apply: lerB; [exact: xry|rewrite yxl//= ltnS ltnW].
have sizes0 : (0 < size s)%N.
by rewrite lt0n; apply: contra s0 => /eqP/size0nil ->.
rewrite telescope_sumr// lerB//.
- apply: ndF.
+ rewrite in_itv/=; apply/andP; split.
* rewrite ltW//.
have /allP := lt_path_min path_at; apply.
rewrite -sizets /y_ -last_nth//.
have [ht [r ->]] : exists x t', t = rcons x t'.
move: t path_at sizets asts y_ ast ts yxl xry.
apply: last_ind => //.
by move=> _ /esym /= /size0nil; move/eqP : s0.
by move=> ht tt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _; exists ht, tt.
by rewrite mem_rcons last_rcons mem_head.
* rewrite /y_ /t.
have /pathP := abs.1 => /(_ b).
move: (sizes0) => /prednK.
set m := (size s).-1 => <- H.
rewrite -[leLHS]/(nth b [seq ((x_ i + x_ i.+1) / 2) | i <- iota 0 m.+1] m).
rewrite (nth_map 0%N).
rewrite nth_iota// add0n.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (x_ m.+1)).
by rewrite midf_le// ltW// H.
by apply: itv_partition_nth_le abs; rewrite prednK.
by rewrite size_iota.
+ by rewrite in_itv/= lexx andbT; exact: itv_partition_le abs.
+ have /eqP := abs.2.
rewrite (last_nth b) => <-.
rewrite /y_ /t.
move: (sizes0) => /prednK <-.
set m := (size s).-1.
rewrite -[leLHS]/(nth b [seq ((x_ i + x_ i.+1) / 2) | i <- iota 0 m.+1] m).
rewrite (nth_map 0%N).
rewrite nth_iota// add0n midf_le// ltW//.
have /pathP := abs.1; apply.
by rewrite (prednK sizes0).
by rewrite size_iota.
have ay1 : a <= y_ 1%N by rewrite -[a]/(nth b (a :: s) 0%N) ltW// ast.
apply: ndF => //.
by rewrite in_itv/= lexx andTb; exact: itv_partition_le abs.
rewrite in_itv/=; apply/andP; split => //.
apply: (@le_trans _ _ (x_ 1%N)); last exact: itv_partition_nth_le.
by rewrite /y_/x_ ltW//= ts.
Unshelve. all: end_near. Qed.

Lemma discontinuity_countable :
countable [set x | x \in `]a, b[ /\ discontinuity F x].
have [|ab] := leP b a.
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[->|ba].
set S := (X in countable X).
suff Sa : S `<=` [set a] by exact/finite_set_countable/(sub_finite_set Sa).
move=> x; rewrite /S/= in_itv/= => [[/andP[/ltW]]].
by rewrite ltNge => ->.
set S := (X in countable X).
rewrite (_ : S = set0)// -subset0 => x.
rewrite /S/= in_itv/= => -[/andP[]] /lt_trans /[apply].
by rewrite ltNge ltW.
set A : set R := [set x | _].
pose elt_type := set_type A.
have FrBFl (x : elt_type) : exists m, m.+1%:R ^-1 < Fr (sval x) - Fl (sval x).
have [Fc Fd cd] : discontinuity F (sval x) by case: x => /= r /[!inE] => -[].
have FlFr : Fl (sval x) <= Fr (sval x).
apply: (@nondecreasing_at_left_at_right _ _ a b) => //.
by case: x {Fc Fd cd} => x/= /[1!inE] -[].
have {}FlFr : Fl (sval x) < Fr (sval x) by rewrite lt_neqAle FlFr andbT.
exists (`|floor (Fr (sval x) - Fl (sval x))^-1|)%N.
rewrite invf_plt ?posrE ?subr_gt0// -natr1 natr_absz ger0_norm; last first.
by rewrite floor_ge0 invr_ge0// subr_ge0 ltW.
by rewrite intrD1 mathcomp_extra.lt_succ_floor// realE.
pose S m := [set x | x \in `]a, b[ /\ m.+1%:R ^-1 < Fr x - Fl x].
have jumpfafb m (s : seq R) : (forall i, (i < size s)%N -> nth b s i \in S m) ->
path <%R a s ->
\sum_(0 <= i < size s) (Fr (nth b s i) - Fl (nth b s i)) <= F b - F a.
move=> Hs pas.
have : itv_partition a b (rcons s b).
split; last by rewrite last_rcons.
move: s Hs pas; apply: last_ind => /=; first by rewrite ab.
move=> s ls _ H.
rewrite rcons_path => /andP[pas lasls].
rewrite !rcons_path pas lasls/= last_rcons.
have := nth_rcons b s ls (size s).
rewrite ltnn eq_refl => <-.
have := H (size s).
rewrite size_rcons => /(_ (ltnSn (size s))).
by rewrite inE => -[+ _] => /[!in_itv]/= /andP[].
rewrite size_rcons (big_addn 0%N _ 1%N) subn1/= big_nat/=.
under eq_bigr.
move=> i si.
rewrite addn1/= nth_rcons si.
by rewrite -big_nat.
have fin_S m : finite_set (S m).
apply: contrapT => /infinite_set_fset.
move=> /(_ (m.+1 * `|ceil (F b - F a)|).+1)[B BSm mFbFaB].
set s := sort <=%R B.
have := jumpfafb m s.
have HsSm n : (n < size s)%N -> nth b s n \in S m.
move=> ns; apply/mem_set/BSm/set_mem.
by rewrite mem_setE -(@mem_sort _ <=%R) mem_nth.
move/(_ HsSm){HsSm}.
have Hpas : path <%R a s.
rewrite lt_path_sortedE; apply/andP; split.
apply/allP => x.
rewrite mem_sort => /BSm[+ _].
by rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[].
by rewrite sort_lt_sorted; exact: fset_uniq.
move/(_ Hpas){Hpas}.
contra; rewrite -ltNge => _.
apply: (@le_lt_trans _ _`|ceil (F b - F a)|%:R).
by rewrite natr_absz intr_norm ler_normr ceil_ge.
apply: (@lt_trans _ _ (m.+1%:R^-1 * #|` B|%:R)).
by rewrite ltr_pdivlMl// -natrM ltr_nat.
rewrite card_fset_sum1 natr_sum mulr_sumr mulr1 big_tnth cardfE.
rewrite -(big_mkord xpredT (fun=> m.+1%:R^-1)) size_sort cardfE.
rewrite ltr_sum_nat//; first by rewrite -cardfE (leq_trans _ mFbFaB).
move=> k; rewrite leq0n/= => kB.
have : nth b s k \in S m.
apply/mem_set/BSm => /=; rewrite -(@mem_sort _ <=%R).
by apply/mem_nth; rewrite size_sort cardfE.
by rewrite inE => -[].
suff -> : A = \bigcup_m S m.
by apply: bigcup_countable => // n _; exact: finite_set_countable.
rewrite eqEsubset; split.
- move=> x Ax.
pose z : elt_type := exist (fun x => x \in A) x (mem_set Ax).
have [m Hz] := FrBFl z.
exists m => //.
by split; [move: (Ax) => -[]|exact: Hz].
- move=> x [m _ []] /[dup] xab /[!in_itv]/= /andP[ax xb] mx.
split => //; split.
+ apply: nondecreasing_at_left_is_cvgr; near=> r.
* apply: itv_sub_in2 ndF.
apply: (subset_itvW _ _ _ (ltW xb)).
by near: r; exact: nbhs_left_ge.
* exists (F x) => _/= [z zrx <-].
apply: ndF.
- apply: (subset_itvW _ _ _ (ltW xb) zrx).
by near: r; exact: nbhs_left_ge.
- exact: subset_itv_oo_cc.
- by move: zrx => /[!in_itv]/= /andP[_ /ltW].
+ apply: nondecreasing_at_right_is_cvgr; near=> r.
* apply: itv_sub_in2 ndF.
apply: (subset_itvW _ _ (ltW ax)).
by near: r; exact: nbhs_right_le.
* exists (F x) => _/= [z zxr <-].
apply: ndF.
- exact: subset_itv_oo_cc.
- apply: (subset_itvW _ _ (ltW ax) _ zxr).
by near: r; exact: nbhs_right_le.
- by move: zxr => /[!in_itv]/= /andP[/ltW].
+ apply/negP => /eqP Fxlr.
contra: mx; rewrite -leNgt => _.
by rewrite /Fl Fxlr subrr.
Unshelve. all: end_near. Qed.

End discontinuity_countable.

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