This application has been built in basis of following requirements Scenario: There are two registered users with a single currency based wallet. User A has a USD and user B has a EUR wallet. User A can send any amount of money to user B in USD currency. This USD amount will be converted to EUR and transferred to user B wallet. In the meantime, a confirmation email will be sent to user B. During the You will find detailed requirements below. To be successful you don’t have to follow them strictly. Invest reasonable time depending on your free time and don’t worry if you can’t finish it all. Focus on the quality of your code, not on the number of tasks. Make it readable, expandable and production-ready. Make sure you deal with possible errors etc. Please read the requirements and additional requirements carefully. Feel free to ask any questions. Write down any significant problems you encountered. Let us know how you solved them or how you would tackle them if you had more time. Requirements:
-- Use ReactJS / VueJS / Laravel Blade with a secure Laravel / Lumen RESTful API to develop this currency conversion application. -- Use any authentication feature to make your API secure e.g. Token, JWT, Passport or Sanctum. -- Each user will have only one single currency based wallet. -- The system should also display the following stats: -- User who used most conversion. -- The total amount converted for a particular user. -- Show the third highest amount of transactions for a particular user (must use subquery). -- You have to calculate and store data in the database to show stats properly. -- We prefer to use a MySQL database for storing user’s data and stats. -- For interface design using any appropriate responsive design template. -- In the backend, use an external API to get the currency rates.
-- composer update -- php artisan storage:link -- npm install && npm run dev/watch -- change env db credentials and mail credentials -- php artisan migrate:fresh --seed -- php artisan queue:work/listen -- Credentials : Email :[email protected]/[email protected] password : 123456
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