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Generic how to use Hubitat Tasmota v8.3.1 firmware and driver guide

Markus Liljergren edited this page Aug 1, 2020 · 4 revisions

Markus on the HE forum asked if I could write a “how to guide” to use his Tasmota Hubitat specific firmware and drivers within HE. First step is to head over to his Github repo it’s located here. In there you will find his app, drivers etc. The first thing you will want to do is click on the Tasmota Device Manager app here. I am not going to talk you through how to install custom apps as that’s already well documented here but after this follow steps below.

NOTE: this procedure assumes Tasmota 8.1.0 or later version, which is a default supported by current release of TuyaConvert. Please double check firmware versions before flashing.

SONOFF DIY Mode: To flash using SONOFF DIY Mode, use the Lite release from the official Tasmota release and then upgrade to the HE release as described below.

How to install the Hubitat specific firmware onto your device

If you are NOT using TuyaConvert, go to Step 3. For SONOFF DIY Mode, NEVER use Minimal builds.

  1. If you are using TuyaConvert, to be safe, use the firmware that comes with TuyaConvert first "Tasmota v8.1.x.x (wifiman)".
    Note: if you are using a Tuya device then I highly suggest checking out this youtube video for Tuya Convert 2.0 which is a non-solder method of flashing OTA.

  2. After the TuyaConvert process is finished, when the device boots up, login to web interface and run "reset 5" in the console.

  3. Do this AFTER TuyaConvert, or START here if you do it in the Tasmota web interface. Download the 8.3.1 firmware from here and flash your device first using tasmota-minimal-8.3.1.bin then tasmota-hubitat-8.3.1.bin. If you are ALREADY on version 8.3.1 you can use tasmota-hubitat-8.3.1.bin.gz directly. When using TTL you don't need to flash Minimal first.
    Note: if you have temp sensors etc then you will need to use the tasmota-sensors-hubitat-8.3.1.bin file.

  4. Once you have flashed to Tasmota-hubitat-8.3.1.bin (or the tasmota-sensors.hubitat-8.3.1.bin) file you will need to find its new IP on your network so check your router and then type that IP into your browser, once resolved click on “configuration”.

  5. If you came from a firmware which was NOT made for HE, at this point, run the command "reset 5" in the console, again. Not running "reset 5" may leave your device in an unpredictable state. Note: at this point the following configurations in this section are deemed optional but I have called them out anyways so people can follow along if they run into any issues and need to validate.

  6. Click on “Hubitat / Smartthings enable” and “Hue bridge” then click “save”.

  7. Select “configure Hubitat / Smartthings” then type in the IP of your Hubitat with port 39501 then click save.

How to load the app and drivers into Hubitat

  1. Once you have installed Tasmota Device Manager click on “add user app”:

  2. You will then be presented with the option to select Tasmota Device Manager in your list of apps.

  3. Select “manually add device” and select the device you would like to install. Note: You will have to load the driver you’d like to run first into Hubitat otherwise it will error, you can find out how to add drivers here and you can find markus other drivers here. Once this is completed click on “save”. Note: the discovery devices option is broken but this will be worked on in the future. Once fixed this documentation will be updated to reflect that. Note: if your device isn’t supported yet by Markus then head to the bottom of this page for further information about generic drivers with templates.

  4. At this point your device should now be added into Hubitat, search for the device you added in the devices section of Hubitat then click on your device. In here you will see a list of commands and preferences for that device.

  5. Once Tasmota is flashed with the right firmware, the driver will configure the rest automagically for you, including the IP and port of Hubitat. Click on “configure” and the IP and port of Hubitat should be added. Note: once you “save preferences” in the driver they are set on the device. If they are not, just click “configure” again and they will be, this includes any Template or module settings in the driver. if this doesn’t auto resolve your device then select “override ip”, “ip as network ID”. Note: type in “10 to the update frequency” if using temperature sensors etc. Once completed click on “save preferences”.

  6. You should be able to go into Hubitat now and click the on/off button to see if it’s working. If your using bulbs, temp sensors etc or other devices then those settings should now be displayed too.

Generic drivers with Templates

If you have come to this section your device is currently not supported by markus but don’t fear this support can be added, he will need you to head over to this link to find your device, once identified then please pass the template details to markus so a specific driver can be created OR create a new Tasmota template yourself for your new device and share to the Tasmota community and obviously again markus so he can create that driver for you.

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