Rounded Donut Chart with a custom tooltip.
In the pubspec.yaml
of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
fan_donut_chart: latest
Import the segmented progress bar package like this:
import 'package:donut_chart/donut_chart.dart';
Simply create a DonutChartWidget widget, and pass the required params:
size: 200,
strokeWidth: 30,
tooltipBgColor: const Color.fromARGB(154, 178, 178, 178),
data: [
DonutSectionModel(label: "Instagram", value: 40, color: const Color(0xFFcd2e64)),
DonutSectionModel(label: "Facebook", value: 30, color: const Color(0xFF4453b3)),
DonutSectionModel(label: "X", value: 20, color: const Color(0xFF5aa9f2)),
DonutSectionModel(label: "Threads", value: 10, color: const Color(0xFFe35655)),
Customize the DonutChartWidget widget with these parameters:
/// A list of [DonutSectionModel] objects that contain the data for the donut chart.
/// Each [DonutSectionModel] should have a [label] and a [value] to define the chart's segments.
final List<DonutSectionModel> data;
/// The size of the donut chart. Default value is 200.
/// This will define the overall size of the donut chart.
final double size;
/// The thickness of the donut chart's stroke. Default value is 40.
/// This defines how thick the border of each segment will be.
final double strokeWidth;
/// The background color of the tooltip that appears when hovering over a segment.
/// Default value is a semi-transparent gray: [Color.fromARGB(146, 199, 199, 199)].
final Color tooltipBgColor;
/// The radius of the tooltip's rounded corners. Default value is 10.
/// This determines how rounded the corners of the tooltip will be.
final double tooltipRadius;
/// The text style for the label inside the tooltip. Default value is [TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 18)].
final TextStyle tooltipTextStyle;
/// The length of the line connecting the tooltip to the hovered segment. Default value is 40.
/// This controls the length of the line that connects the tooltip with the respective chart segment.
final double tooltipLineLength;