Integration point responsible for fetching satellite images and sending them to a Docker container running MapTiler Pro. The tiled images are server by a tile server also running in a Docker container.
Java 8 or later
A license for MapTiler Pro
A file called
The must be placed in src/main/java/dk.dma.enav.integrations/resources. It must at least contain these lines:
mapTiler.license = <license for MapTiler Pro>
tiles.localDirectory = <where you want to store satellite images fetched from ftp server>
Before you can run the program you must do the following:
docker pull dmadk/permissions-fixer
docker pull dmadk/satellite-consumer
docker pull klokantech/maptiler
docker pull klokantech/tileserver-php
To run the program you can use Maven and Spring Boot:
mvn spring-boot:run
You can also use the Docker based setup, which is the recommended choice of execution as it is generally more up to date. Instructions for the Docker based setup can be found at