This project contains an Elixir library that can be used as a model for managing shop checkouts.
In order to build and run this project, you need a working Elixir environment. You can follow the Installing Elixir guide to get Elixir running in your system.
The minimum version required by this project is defined in the mix.exs file.
A common problem in every development environment is having multiple projects requiring different versions of the same tools. ASDF is a utility that manages multiple language runtime versions on a per-project basis.
This project has a .tool-versions file that specifies the
elixir version required by the project. ASDF uses this file to set the
specified elixir runtime. After getting
ASDF installed, you can run
asdf install
in the root folder of this project to get a working elixir
Another available option is to avoid messing with your local environment and use a Docker container.
The following command creates an interactive terminal session ready for building this project:
docker run -ti \
--entrypoint /bin/bash \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/code \
-w /code \
elixir:$(cat .tool-versions | grep elixir | grep -o "[0-9]\.[0-9]")
When you have the required elixir environment working, running this project is pretty straightforward. We only have to install the dependencies and we are ready for an interactive session:
$ mix deps.get
$ iex -S mix
Then, we can start playing with the library.
iex(1)> tee ="GR1", "Green tea", 311)
iex(2)> checkout ="checkout")
iex(3)> checkout = Shop.Checkout.add_product(checkout, tee)
%Shop.Checkout{items: [%Shop.Product{...}], ...}
iex(4)> checkout = Shop.Checkout.add_product(checkout, tee)
%Shop.Checkout{items: [%Shop.Product{...}, %Shop.Product{...}], ...}
iex(5)> discount ="CEO Discount", Shop.Discounts.XForY, %{x: 2, y: 1, product: tee.code})
iex(6)> checkout = Shop.Discount.apply(checkout, discount)
iex(6)> Shop.Checkout.price(checkout)
You can run mix test
on this project to run all the tests available.